Rise and Shine

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Last night was pretty tough. After making jennifer sit in the car i decided to take her at my place. As we reached home i carefully picked her up and took her in. I placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. I could still hear Xavier's  words circling in my head. It all felt like a dream. I wish i could  meet him again. It was almost 12 so i decided to sleep and think about it later.

Xavier's POV 

While i was driving i still couldn't forget Serena. Her beauty, her laugh, her words, all of it seemed unreal. As, i reached home i slowly shut the door behind me, cuz everyone was asleep. I went to my room and threw myself on the bed, relaxing my body. It was pretty late but i couldn't sleep. Instead, i went to my balcony to take a smoke. 

Looking at the beautiful city lights outside made me smile . Serena, Serena, Serena.. was all i could think of. why did i become so crazy about her?. Maybe i will never  meet her again or maybe i will. Who knows. huff.. Let's sleep.

Serena's POV

As i woke up in the morning i saw the sun rays falling on me. They made me get up . As, it was Sunday i decided to prepare some tasty breakfast for jennifer and me. I knew after she get's up she is going be all dizzy and moody. I decided to make some bacon, eggs, and french toast with coffee. 

"SERENA.................".  "Here we go". "J, can you please stop screaming so much". "Dammm i wanna  puke". "haha". "Don't you laugh at me".  "Come on let's have some breakfast". "Wow, babe you made all of this?" ." Offcourse i did". "Here, black coffee for your hungover". "Man, i really needed this". "You are the best". 

We ate our breakfast in peace without talking much. I could see jennifer was super hungry, so she just ate with silence. After taking the last bite of her toast, she said :" So.... give me all the details girl". "Of what?". "Oh please Serena don't you dare act all innocent with me". "I saw you with a handsome stranger yesterday". "Ok OK calm down".

"Who was he?". "Xavier". "Ohh!!. I see you are blushing huh". "Shut up J !". "How did he look?". "The most handsome man i have ever seen. He was tall, with perfect abs and body. He had a defined jawline with brown eyes and black messy hair. He also wore a chain which looked super good on him. His right arm was full of tatoos. He was just Perfect, J". 

"Okay, Okay that's a lot of information". "I don't want to faint right  now". "haha". "Do you wish to meet him again?". "Honestly, Yes". "He seemed a nice person". "Hmmm... I see". "What did you guys talk about?". "He first asked me for a drink and then we just talked a bit, Not much". "Okayy". 

Xavier's POV

I woke up at 5 in the morning. Couldn't really sleep though. I was kinda thirsty so i grabbed a bottle of beer from my refrigerator and headed to my room. I know it is crazy to drink at 5 in the morning but you should always follow your heart and do as it says. As i was taking sips, i noticed someone's presence. Chris.

"Hey man, Wassup?". "Umm, nothing". "You seem tensed". "What is it?". "M fine". "No Xavier you're not". "Whenever you drink in the morning there is always something you are tensed about". "Chris, I am doing completely fine". "Pls don't worry". "Ah! , now i know what is it?". "You are thinking about that girl you met last night, right?". "Huff!!, yes". "Who was she?". "Serena". "Serena Davis". "Was she beautiful?".

"She was the most gorgeous girl i ever laid my eyes on, Chris. She had those hazel eyes with long brown hair. Her lips were absolutely worth tasting. Her body was soft and small. She wore black dress which highlighted her curves with grace. Her laugh was innocent. She was just perfect, Chris". 

"Dammnnn.. she really was pretty". "Do you want me to find her?". "No need". "I feel that i will be meeting  her again". "Very soon". "I hope so man, wish you luck". "You remember right, we need to attend a important meeting today?". "I do". "let's go" . After talking with Chris, we got ready to head to our meeting. It was a small one but pretty important. It was regarding our enemies. They were getting stronger day by day and we had to prepare ourselves for that now. 

All day jennifer and i did was pamper ourselves. We talked , watched movies, danced to some pop music and ate a lot of good food. We needed a self care day to relax our mind and bodies. I was still thinking about Xavier and if i would meet him again. But, i don't know why i sensed a wave of assurance. I felt that i would meet him again. I wish i really do. 


I hope Xavier and Serena meet under good circumstances Or maybe something else.

Find out next.

Biee...... :)

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