Do you know her?

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After the beautiful lady left, i started to work on the dress. I kept on working till 10pm. Time to go home. Looking at that woman made me remember something. Something known. The way she looked resembled someone. Forget it ..

Xavier's POV

As the day was over, I went home early. After taking a warm shower, i sat on the couch reading some books. "Hello there brother". "Kai! , Come sit". "We don't get to talk much isn't it?". "I agree, both of us are busy with work". "So, how do feel about NewYork?". "Honestly, i still miss California a lot".

"Their people, food, culture is different from ours". "But, NewYork has always been my place". "I will love it no matter what". "Great". "I guess you should find a girl for yourself now". "Look, whose talking". "You are elder here, don't you think you should be the one thinking on it?"

"Oh ya, ya I know Xavier Gambino is not into that Love shit". "Hey, it's nothing like that". "Well, i heard from Chris about that girl you met". "Serena". As soon as Kai spoke her name, i suddenly got a link. Serena. These days i had forgotten her due to my work. But hearing her name again gave me peace.

Before i could continue our conversation, our mom entered. "Hey, boys". "Hi mom". "Did you enjoy your shopping?". "I did". "You know, i met this beautiful girl there". "She was so kind and generous,  And her beauty was irremarkable". "Her name was, something... Serena". "Serena Davis she said".

Serena's POV

After reaching home, i took a shower and started to make some dinner. I am not a great cook, but i can feed myself. I ate my dinner in peace while watching some T.V series. After washing the utensils, i decided to listen to some soft music before i sleep. I sat on the chair in my balcony and started looking  at the moon.

It was a quiet, and silent night. The moon showing all it's brightness and attracting the people around it. Whenever i missed my dad i would  look at the moon. My mom would always tell me as a child that Serena, Your dad is there, in the moon watching each and every action of yours and protecting you. I know it sounds, crazy but for me it's all real. 

I do believe that he is watching me always. He would be so happy to see the person i have become today. Dad we all miss you and love you so much. After spending some time in my balcony, i went inside. My phone started to buzz loudly. Who is this?. An unknown number. "Hello?, who is this". As i picked up the call and said hello, i heard a very familiar voice. "Serena". "Lilia!". I could instantly recognize the voice.

Lilia Miller. Lilia and i are childhood friends. We went to the same school together. Even jennifer knows her. All three of us played together. Our bond was tight. But when Jennifer and i moved to NewYork from Los Angeles we lost our touch. But we called her at times, Whenever we would get free.

"Lilia. How are you?". "Serena, i am fine". "Everything is going great". "What about you?". "How is life there?". "It is good and we are doing great". "Good". "Guess what?". "M coming to NewYork Tomorrow". "What?, are u serious?". "Yes, babe m getting married next week". I knew, Marcus would propose you very soon". "I am coming tomorrow to meet you guys and for some wedding shopping". 

"I tried calling J but she did not pick up". "Oh, she is busy i guess". "Okay". "M sending you the address of a club meet me there tomorrow". "Also, tell jennifer about it". "Okay, see you there". "Bye". "Bye". After talking to Lilia i immediately called Jennifer and told her all the details. I was dying to meet her tomorrow. Let's sleep now. 

Xavier's POV

The moment i heard Serena's name i was shooked. I never believed that i would hear something about her again. "Ma what did you just say?". "Serena Davis". "She's a fashion designer". I stood there with my mind numb, and my thoughts processing the scene. "Do you know her Xavier?". "Yes, I kind of do". "Oh, okay, that's great". She is designing my dress for the wedding". "Okay. now, i need to sleep". "Goodnight boys". "Bye ma".

Why was i even shocked anyway?. Did she mean something to me?. No, she did not. She was just a simple person i met at the club. She might have even forgotten me by now. After my mom went, i went outside my house for a smoke." Xavier are you okay?". "I am fine". "Do you like this girl, Serena?". "What?, I don't even know her". "But your expressions tell me something else". "Kai, I just met her and talked a bit". "That's it". "We don't have anything else between us". "Okay, if you say so brother". 

"But maybe the destiny wants both of you to know each other". "Xavier, it's ok, you will get it". "Gn". What did he mean, when he said destiny. I don't have anything like destiny. I don't believe in this stupid shit. Whatever, let's stop overthinking and go to sleep. I have a mafia to run. 


Is Kai right about the destiny part?. Maybe Xavier will change his mind soon.

Keep on reading.

Thanku, Bye. :)

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