I am here, Serena

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Hey guys!, Hope u will enjoy this one :)

Before we could start dancing, i received a call from Stacy. The music was too loud for me to take the call so i headed outside." Hey, Whatsup?". "Serena i just wanted to say that i informed the bride about the dress". "She told me that she is busy tomorrow so instead she came today". "She tried the dress and she loved it". "She will again come tomorrow in the afternoon to thank you". "Omg, I am glad Stacy". "Thanku". "It's all your credit girl!, Ok, bye".

Xavier's POV 

After talking with Deric, it was time to head home. He left before me and i was still there finishing my drink. After finishing, i headed outside. I stood near my car to take a quick smoke and then go. While i was standing there i was lost in my own thoughts. 

Serena's POV

After ending the call, i was just about to leave when a man, came in my way. "Hey, Beautiful!". I was ignoring him but he kept on coming  between my way. "What do you want?", I asked . "You, darling". "Let me buy you a drink and then we can go to my place". Like, seriously?. I came here to party with my besties and this stupid jerk here was asking me to go with him. "Hell No, Get out of my way". 

"Um, I see you are misbehaving". "Looks like I need to teach you a lesson". "Look, Mr whatever is your name let me go or else I'll shout loudly". "Haha!,  I am scared". "Look, you little woman, you better come with me or else I'll have to use a hard way". "Let me go.., I shouted as loudly as i could". "You..!". Without any chance that man pulled me by my hair and took me to a small corner.

He pressed my mouth with all the force he could. I took a chance and bite him. "Ouch, you little brat". "Who the hell do you think you are huh?". "Let me show where you belong". He then took out a knife and came close to me. I could hardly breathe between the space. He started to move the knife on my arms, making carvings. It was so sharp, that it's end hurted me. Blood started coming out.

I could do nothing but handle the pain. I was in a corner, far from club. Nobody could even hear my voice. I couldn't call anyone as well. I let out droplets of tears from my eyes. I could have kicked him, but he had a knife. He could have killed me. God please help me. The pain started becoming unbearable as he poked my skin with knife. Blood filled my hands. "Stop, you piece of shit!!". 

But, before anything else could happen, God actually heard me and did his miracle.

Xavier's POV

As I was thinking, i heard somebody screaming. But the scream then stopped suddenly. I quickly ran in the direction of the voice with my gun. I could hear nothing but loud music from the club. I walked a few steps ahead and then reached a small corner. I could hear silent cries of a woman. 

That's it. I took out my gun and started to walk ahead without making any noise. What I next saw was something very disgusting. A man held a woman's throat almost choking her to death. Side by Side he was also making some carvings on her arms with a knife. When his hands started reaching her body i lost my patience and held the collar of his shirt from back and pushed him on the ground.

"You freaking bastard, how dare you lay your dirty hands on a woman". As, I turned to see who the woman was, I was shocked. It was Serena. The most beautiful woman was in the most worst state. She was holding all her tears back. Here eyes smuged. Blood pouring down her hand. She was standing their trembling with fear . "Xavier Gambino!!". "Yes, you piece of shit, it's me". "Before you do anything more miserable, let me do the required honours." 

I grabbed my gun firmly and shot him straight on his right arm. "People like you don't deserve to live". "You will have to pay for what you did Xavier". "Oh Is it?". "Well, i don't really care". I could see that man was in pain. Blood was flowing down his hand like a waterfall. But, i wanted him to taste his own medicine. "I am not leaving you so soon". "Let me play more". After that i  again shot him in his stomach. He cried for help but i did not give a damm. 

"You see, the pain i caused you!". "I am not letting you leave this early anywhere". I then immediately called Chris and told him to come to the club with men. He was at the stage of dying, and i wanted him to suffer more and more and more. When i turned back,  Serena was about to faint. Before i could go near her, She spoke the last work "Xavier" and fell down.

Serena's POV

This man kept on carving my body like nothing. He just did not get the pain i was going through. I felt like slapping him hard enough but my body was completely drained. It denied to fight. Before he could do something more worse i heard footsteps approaching me. I got a sense of relief wishing that the person would save me. That person immediately threw the man down and took out his gun.

I couldn't really see clearly who it was but when i heard his voice, he was none other than Xavier. I instantly recognized him. Happiness, Releif, Comfort was all i felt that moment. I saw him shot the man two times. On his arm and his stomach. I felt like i was dreaming. What was going all around me?, it made no sense to me. 

When Xavier turned around, it was too late. I was on the edge  of falling down. My vision started becoming  blurry.  The only thing i could say  before falling was "Xavier". 

Xavier's POV

As i went near her, she had already fainted. Hey tiny fragile body was lying on the ground with sorrow. Without any thoughts, I picked her up and carried to my car. I secured her with a seat belt and immediately began  to drive the car. I also called Maria, our family doctor on our way to come to my house. I did not know why but i had an urge. Urge to protect her. Urge to keep her safe with all my will. As i saw her lying beside me, her hand covered with blood, i couldn't stop thinking as to why?

Why would anybody hurt a angel soul like her. "Hazel eyes, you are safe now". "Don't worry". "I am here".  I was angry, worried and tensed. I did not know Serena too well. I just met her at a club days back and today i found her unconcious lying on the street. Why did I do all this?, because respecting and protecting a female should always be every man's first priority. That is what i was doing as well. Performing my duty.

As we reached home, i quickly picked up Serena and took her in. Her blood was following her through the floor as well. I took her to my room and placed her on the bed. Maria, mom, dad, Kai all were present there. "Xavier what happened?". "Is she Okay?". "Ma it's a long story, I'll explain it later". "But right now she needs to be treated". 

"Xavier all of you need to leave, I have to check her". "Okay, I am right outside the door". "Call me if you need anything". While she was being checked i explained my family the whole situation. "You did a great job son, I am proud of you". "Yes, Xavier i can't explain how proud of you we are today". Mom , Dad  i just did all you guys taught me to, Nothing else". While i was talking i received a call from Chris, telling that they had locked him up in a room. "Xavier what you want us to do with him?".

"Torture him to death and try to find information". "After that kill him". "Okay". "Xavier". "Maria, how is she?". "She is fine, she did not get much hurt". "But She needs to rest to let her wounds heal". "I have given her some injections". "She shall wakeup anytime now". "Don't worry I'll take care of her, And thanku so much Maria". "Xavier don't you dare thank me, it's my job and i'll keep on doing it". "I shall leave, Bye". 

After Maria left i quickly entered the room and saw her. "Huff!!!".


Dammnn... it was hard for me not to cry :(

Thanku for reading. Hope you enjoyed.


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