The End

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I would like to say thankyou to each one of you who decided to give a chance to this story. I just can't thank you all enough. This was my first story and i tried my best for it. I know there might be some tiny mistakes, but they are bound to happen :) . Thankyou for understanding and supporting me. I just did not wanted to end this story. I loved writing every part of it .It gave me immense joy and pleasure.

But no worries. I am coming up with a next story too soon. Hope you all will enjoy that one as much as you did this one. 

This completes the beautiful journey of "Addicted to Sin!". Xavier and Serena will always hold a special place in my heart. I know they are imaginary characters but as i have created them, I am happy and proud of it.

Thankyou so much readers once again. I will see you in the next story!.

Till then keep on Reading, Voting and Supporting.

 And please don't forget to smile. :).


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