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3 years later :)

3 years. It's been three years being married. Three years of immense pleasure and joy. Xavier, my beloved husband to whom i got married just two years back. He is being nothing but an absolutely amazing husband. He has cared for me so much and he still does. I can't thank him enough for the joy and happiness he has given me and keeps on giving me. All the time, every second of every day he is there to protect me, comfort me and kiss me. 

We are there to support one another. We are there to put a smile on each other's face and ease the tension. I couldn't be more happy. 

Talking about my family. Well, they have been supporting all the time. My mom, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, kai, Chris and My bestie Jennifer. All of them are truly happy for us. All of us atleast meet once in a day. I can't thank god enough for sending this people on earth. They have truly made my life a heaven. Both Xavier's parents treat me like their own daughter as well.

The love and comfort of a father i always wanted is provided by Xavier's dad. I also have two gorgeous mothers with me all the time. Chris and Kai my brothers are there to tease me and make me laugh. My bestie Jennifer who is always by my side no matter what.

This beautiful life which i have got, I thank god for it everyday.

"Lucas you are going to hurt yourself"!, I exclaimed while directing my eyes to my Son's direction. Yes, i have a son now. Xavier and i were blessed with a baby boy a year ago. Lucas. Our  soul, our heart and our whole life. We love him so much. He has got all his father's good looks without any doubt. But, he has hazel eyes like mine. Xavier adores him everyday. He has become such a wonderful father that i can't define it in words.

During the whole time of my pregnancy he was there by my side. Doing all the gentlemen things. He would comfort me, praise me and be with me 24/7. He is an absolute masterpiece of perfection. He also talks to him about our love story and his Mafia stories everyday. I just can't stop admiring them.

I don't want anything else now. I have a wonderful husband by my side and a great son.

I thank god everyday for having these two gentlemen in my life. I truly am blessed.

Xavier's POV

As Serena saw Lucas do mischief, she immediately picked him up. She then headed to the balcony while taking him. She would always show him the sky and talk something in his language.

As I looked at my breathtaking wife who looked as gorgeous and as  beautiful as always, I wondered what had i done to receive them. Serena had not only being my wife but also a true supporter. She would comfort me, care for me and shower her sweet kisses all the time. She truly is a pure soul I will always be thankful of.

Not only this, but she also gave me one of the biggest joy of my life. My Son Lucas. The day he entered our lives, only and only joy began to spread everywhere. She has been an amazing mother since then. I couldn't face the pain she went through. So all i do everyday is praise her, comfort her and respect her. Because, she truly deserves all of this.

We spend most of our time together by being with Lucas and playing with him. The best Family time ever. We bought a new mansion a few months back and have settled there .My family comes to meet us daily as well. They love Lucas too much. All of us do. He has got his mother's beautiful hazel eyes and rest of the things from me.

I will always respect them, protect them and love them till my last breath because, they are where i find my home my peace. My everything.

I then went near her and hugged her from behind. She turned around with our child in her arms. We touched our foreheads while holding this little bundle of joy. We just kept on staring at him with eyes full of love. 

"Thankyou for everything my  beautiful wife!" . "Thanks to you my amazing husband for being with us always!" . "I always will be with you". "Lu, you mom and dad love you a lot". "We are so blessed to have you in our lives". "Indeed , you mother is right little man". "I hope you don't get all your tantrums from your mother", i grinned. "And i hope you don't get your naughtiness from you dad". We both laughed together. 

We then touched our lips together while shredding happy tears and holding our child in our arms. They were tears of joy and pure bliss. This is where life took us. On an amazing and splendid journey full of amazingness. A journey which we will never forget and never end.

"I love you Mrs. Serena Xavier Gambino". "And I love you Mr Xavier Gambino". 

"We will love and be with each other", 

"Forever and Ever!!".


Thankyou so much for reading !!!.


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