A bestie reunion.

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I woke up early in the morning because of my work. I had to complete both the wedding and Mrs Charlotte's dress. I took my coffee and headed  for work, early morning. I also had to go to the club today. While i was working, i was thinking about the club night. Xavier. Usually, it's hard to remember a stranger's name. But him?, no chance. I left my conversation with him half way. 

Honestly, i don't even think i'll ever meet him. He might not even remember me now. After working hard for 8 hours, i completed both the wedding dresses. "Stacy, please call the  bride today  and ask her to come tomorrow and  see the dress once". "If there are any changes, we will sort them out instantly". "Okay". "And i will call Mrs Charlotte personally later".

"I am going now, bye". After coming home, i took a shower and dressed up to meet Jennifer. She asked me to come to her shop and meet her. Jennifer's tatoo shop was a little far from my house. I reached there after 20 minutes. As, i said Jennifer owned a big tatoo shop. She had a small one at the begging, but later after all her efforts and hard work she created her dream.

There she was. Working on somebody's arm will full focus. I quitely sat on the chair next to her. "Hey Serena, Coffee?". "No thanks Melena, M here to talk to J". "Oh, Okay". After waiting for 15 minutes Jennifer completed her tatoo and got up. "Serena!". "J". "How long have you been here?". "Just 15 minutes". "Okay, great". "Remember we need to buy a gift for Lilia?". "Offcouse i do". "Let me grab my clutch and we'll go".

Xavier's POV

After having a good sleep, i woke up with a fresh mind. I got ready and ate my breakfast with peace. After that as usual i talked to my dad about work and headed to my office. While i was driving, I received a call from Chris. "Chris, I am driving". "I know Xavier but it's important". "I think you should go to one of  our club once". "Which one?". "The High Meadow Lane one". "I am sending you the complete address, just check".                                                                                              

 "Why do i have to go there?". "Ace called me a few minutes back telling me that their is a deal, the William's want to talk about". They stopped by  asking about it on one of our  warehouse". "So, i think you should go". "Fine". "Time?". "7:15pm". "Okay, I'll go". I was not in the mood to go to any club today. But i had to because the William's were my dad's close friends. I went to my office and attended some meetings. Time passed by and i was still in my office.

Serena's POV

Jennifer and I then headed to a jwellery store. We decided to pick a beautiful Diamond pendant for lilia . After we got it gift wrapped we went to a nearby  restaurant for lunch. 'Ummm, this pizza is so freaking good Serena". "haha, i know". "I have had it a many times". "Finally, we'll meet Lilia now,  after 2 yrs". "I know". "The last time i saw her was during our visit to Los Angeles". "I knew Marcus would propose her very soon". "They love each other too much". "Ya, that man better keep her happy or else I will break his jaw". "J, come on,  he's a good man". "He is". 

After our lunch both of us headed to our house. It was nearly 7:00 pm. I quickly put on a golden backless dress with some jwellery and red lipstick. My hair styled into a high ponytail. After getting ready, Jennifer came to pick me up. "What is the address?". "It says, 865- High Meadow lane". "I know this club, let's go".

Xavier's POV

After i reached my club i entered the VIP lounge, where we generally discussed the deals. They were already there waiting for me. The meeting went on for an hour. "It was great having this deal with you Xavier". "Same here, Sir". After they left i decided to have a drink. "What will you have Sir?". "A glass of red wine please". "Thankyou". While i was drinking i met one of my old friend Deric. 

We drank and talked for a long time. I did not even notice anybody's presence. People came and went throughout. 

Serena's POV

After we reached the desired address, Jennifer parked the car and i waited for her at the entrance. Again, this was a rich club. Rich personalities all over. "Let's go". It took us a bit time to find lilia. We found her at the bar drinking. "Lilia.... both of us screamed with excitement". "J, Serena !". "How are you guys?". "We're great". "And she is getting married.." "Yes, girl i am". "Before we talk more let's drink some alcohol".

We then kept on talking for hours. The bartender had to refill our glasses ever minute. He was too tired now i guess. "So, where is your fiance?". "Oh, he is at his friend's house". "He insisted of coming, but i denied him by telling that it is a bestie night". "haha, great". "J! " "Oh ya". "Here". "What is this?". "Well, Serena and I picked up this gift for you". "Omg Guys, a diamond neck piece?". "I love it".

"Thanku so much guys,  I love you". "We love you too". "Shall we hit the dance floor?". "Offcourse, Let's go". "Guys you go ahead i will join you in 5". "Okie,  Let's go".


The next part is going to be intresting... :)

Stay tuned. Bie.  

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