Moving in

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I woke up early for work. Today, I had to go for lunch at Xavier's house. I was nervous and scared. What if i goof up and create a mess?. Calm down Serena it will be fine. They will get that. After our work a car approached us. I assumed it was Xavier who had sent it.

We sat in the car and headed towards his house. As soon as i entered his house, Xavier's mom hugged me tightly. "I am so happy for you my dear child". "Chris and Kai told me what happened at the club yesterday". I knew what all of this was about. They might have forced Xavier to say. "Do you accept me?", I questioned. "Whole heartedly my child". She then again embraced me in a warm hug.

"I am happy for you two", saying this Xavier's father arrived. I got a little  nervous as i had not faced him before. He came near me and hugged me with all his warmth. A sudden droplet of tear escaped my eye. I felt my father hugging me. Same warmth, same feeling. "Thanku so much for accepting me". "Hey, don't cry dear, We had already accepted you". "We knew you are the perfect match for Xavier". "Welcome to the family"!, he said while hugging me again.

"Let's have lunch", his mom spoke from behind. As we were about to move i felt  someone's presence. He grabbed me by my waist and pinned me to a wall. "Xavier...!" , before i could speak further he placed his index finger on my lips. "Shhh!!, don't talk Hazel eyes" he said with his eyes glued to mine. He placed his lips near my ears and spoke softly. "You look beautiful as always". My heartbeat started going crazy. "Nervous?", he questioned while departing his lips.

"" i fumbled a bit and hid my face in embarrasment. He quickly pulled me into his chest and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Don't be, they love you". "Hmm". "Let's go,  And yes i love when you blush". I again released a small smile. We then ate our lunch peacefully. Chris, Kai and Jennifer were teasing us continuously. Everytime i blushed, Xavier placed his hand on mine and comforted me. 

He truly is a gentleman. As  we were about to leave, Xavier pulled me and said "Don't go Hazel eyes". "Xavier i have to go". "Why?", he questioned while looking at me with sad eyes. Stop making those eyes, otherwise i won't be able to leave. "I don't want you to". "Stay with me here Serena". I immediately stopped laughing and looked at him with wide eyes. "What?". "Yes,  Move in with me". I couldn't part my eyes with his.

He looked at me with his most serious look. "Really?" I questioned. "Yes, i want to be with you all the time and not leave you for a single second". "Will you?". As he asked i burst out with happiness. I grabbed his collars and hid my face in the hollow of  his neck. "I would love to live with you". "Great"! , he said and kissed me. "I will ask my bodyguards to bring all yours stuff from your apartment".

After that everything happened quickly. I told Jennifer about it and she just shredded tears of joy like a baby. The same day my stuff was shifted. Xavier's mom and dad welcomed me with warmness. All of this was going fast. Honestly, I was enjoying every part of it. Spending hours and hours just with Xavier.

He would not even leave me for a second. My blushing just won't stop everytime he kissed me. I also heard it from my mom that she was coming to NewYork next week. That to made me happy, as i was seeing her after a long time.

Love, was just in the air. Love?, Yes love. I was in love with him and i suppose so was he.

Xavier's POV

As Serena said yes to move in i was happy. Happy that now only i will get her attention and not anybody else. She did become nervous in front of everyone but i held her close to me and promised her to never leave. I couldn't concentrate on my work because of her. She would force me to go and work.

But again, i would come early, just to meet her. Her fashion house was doing good as well. She would get big projects to do and she would just be focused on them. Yet, we gave all the time to each other. Love. I was in love with her entirely. Her personality, her beauty was all i wanted. 

My parents supported us fully. We would have a great time as well. Her bestfriend would come often to meet her. And Offcourse Kai would not leave a chance of making her blush and tease her like typical brother. Their bond was different. 

After years and years I found a person i truly loved and admired.


Thanku :)

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