The Proposal

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5 Months later.

"Where are you taking me Xavier?", I questioned while blind folded. "Just a few more steps Hazel eyes, have Patience". "You are saying this since past thirty minutes". "Okay, we have come to our destination". As i opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful thing i had ever seen. I found myself at the top. The sun was falling down slowly. Not only this, but i saw a cane couch with dome on top  placed there. The whole area was filled with rose petals. Lots and lots of them. 

Xavier just told me that he is taking me on a simple date to a quiet place. As i turned my back and saw at the sun, it was just bidding us a goodbye. The sky was filled with all shades of orange. It was indeed beautiful. "You like it?", Xavier asked by placing his chin on my shoulder and and grabbing me by my waist. 

"I love it my love". "It is just so silent and quiet". "Exactly what i need right now". "How did you know this?". "I saw you working so hard for the past weeks for the projects". "You came home tired and all sleepy". "After all of this was over, i decided to plan this for you so that you can relax and ease out a bit".

"What did I do to deserve such a great man like you". "I am so lucky". "Well, I am the lucky one here, to deserve a beautiful woman like you", he said while turning me toward him. "Is it?". "Umhm". "What are we doing now?". "Just relaxing and spending some time together with good food like always". "Perfect!". 

We then sat on the cane couch which was again filled with roses of different colours. "How many roses are you gonna give me Xavier?", I asked him while turning my gaze. "They are still very less". "And they are nothing compared to your beauty". "Xavier!", I spoke while blushing and slightly pushing his arm. Yes, I still blush. "What?", I am stating a fact, he said.

"Now now just sit back and relax babe". "Okay". We then kept on talking and eating good food which we had grabbed on our way. I had my head on his chest all the time. The sun had just fallen down and the beauty of moon rose up. Hours went and we were still in the same position. Cuddling and kissing. 

"Get up"!, Xavier commanded while standing up. "Why?". "Do as i say babe". We then got up and Xavier again folded a blindfold on my eyes. "Xavier, again?". "What is it this time". "Patience woman". After a few minutes Xavier opened my blindfold, while i was standing there facing my back to him. "Don't turn around my love until i say so". "Fine"! i exclaimed . 

"Now, turn" . As soo as he told  me to turn, I quickly turned my gaze towards him and saw something I never expected.

There he was on his knees,  holding the most beautiful ring i ever saw in a velvet box. As i saw the gem of the ring flashing through my eyes, i then turned my eyes to my man. 

"Serena, before you speak something, let me speak for the next five minutes now". "Bare with me". I let out a small giggle. 

The moment you entered my life, it changed. I was a hard and ruthless mafia leader. I never cared about the heart i had. But the day i saw the smile on your face, it lit me up. It lit up the whole surrounding near me. People fear me, they still do. But you, no you never did. You always let out the funny me come outside. I am not  good with words, I never was, but with you all my words don't need an invitation. They just come out like that. This is what you did to me. This impact you created on me. 

Everytime i look at you i forget the pain and sorrow. I just smile and smile. You see me the way nobody sees me. You feel me the way nobody feels me. I want to feel your long brown hair on me. I want your beautiful Hazel eyes just to look at me. I want your sweet pink lips to just kiss my lips and feel me. I want your soft cheeks to blush only when i tease you. Your tiny, fragile yet perfect body, I want all of it. I want all of you, every part of you. I want you to be with me every second of every day till the end of my life. We might have faced many ups and downs but we went through all of it and we will forever. I want to create our future home just for two of us. I want you to call it "Our Home". I never felt what love is but when i met you, you made me feel all of it.  

I may not be perfect but i am capable of handling all your craziness, your mood- swings and your tantrums. I can do all of it without complaining. Wake up with me and go to bed with me. Laugh with me and scold me. Get angry at me throw things at me. Console me in your tight embrace and plant sweet kisses on me. I promise to protect, respect and care for you all my life. There is only one woman who holds a special place in my heart and that's you and you. "I love you so much my Serena".

"So Serena Davis aka my Hazel eyes will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive on earth?".

My whole body was just looking at this man who just proposed me. His words, his emotions all of it was real and magical. Nothing can be compared to the love i feel for this man. The man who entered my life and made me fall in love with him without any wait. Who will say that a Mafia leader is so so romantic.

Xavier Gambino. The only and only man i want to spend my entire life with. Want to spend all the beautiful and memorable moments with. He is the only one whose name is carved on my heart. The only, only and only one. My life, my soul Xavier. 

I started crying and so did he. I couldn't wait more. "Yes, yes, yes My love". "I will marry you and be yours forever and ever".

"Today I am Addicted to Sin", Forever and Ever!.

Xavier's POV

The moment she said yes, i couldn't wait to hold her. I slid the gorgeous diamond ring in her finger and smashed my lips on hers. Both of us were crying out of happiness and pure joy. I felt pure bliss. My wife to be was standing in front of me wearing the symbol of love, our ring. We then parted the kiss and touched our forehead with that of each others. The firecrackers were spreading in the sky. I was the one who told Chris to do so. I could have just proposed her simply but i chose not to.

I wanted it to be one of the best day of her life. The day she never forgets.

"I love you so much Serena"! . "I love you too Xavier"! . "Thankyou for all this". "I never imagined it to be so special". "The pleasure is all mine". "I had planned this all with your friend and my family". "I am so lucky to have you in my life". "And so am I".

"Are you ready to be 'Mrs. Serena Xavier Gambino?'. "As ready as i ever will be".

We just stared at the beautiful sky while exchanging love. Today was the day we were completely each others. Though, we already were from the start but today it was official.

I looked at my breathtaking woman, who then hugged me tightly by burying her head in my chest. I held her by the back of her head and kissed her forehead several times. And then we spoke together silently:

"We are Together Forever and Ever!!".


Omg it  fianlly happened!!!! :) . I can't control my tears. 

Hope you loved this one.

Thankyou. :)

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