A small break and honest Izuku.

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'' Could we take a little time to discuss what we just witnessed. It was a lot to take in.'' The students asked. Truth expected something like that and nodded. '' That is fine.''

It was silent for a little while. Nobody knew how to start. Izuku was still very uncomfortable about everything. It's not the first time he was lied to by people who said that he could trust them. The first time he remembers was when he was 7. He was finally in a class without Bakugo. He hoped it would have been different for once. and it did seem like it. He got someone to talk to him. He was called Kabuto. One full week, Kabuto hung with Izuku but right when he started trusting Kabuto enough to tell him he had a crush. That was stupid cause the very next day everyone knew about it. During class one of the girl's friends spoke about it and she fake gagged. 

Ever since that, it was rather hard to start trusting people. Izuku was friendly as much as possible. He just didn't like talking about himself because that is when you get hurt. Even at UA. He truly wanted to believe that he could trust his classmates. Something deep within his mind told him that the second they learned the truth they would betray him.

'' Midoriya,'' Aizawa sounded calm Izuku met his eyesight. '' Why did you start making these notes?'' What do you mean sir.'' Why did you make them? I understand you wanted to be a hero but why make these notes instead of working out. I have already read about a hero called Flexibilly. Quirk flexible makes the user as flexible as possible. You made notes that he would need more strength and better martial skills. From what I remembered him this was correct. Yet it looked like you didn't train. So why.''

'' It never crossed my mind I guess.'' Izuku tried lying. He didn't want to bring the mood down and didn't want to shine a light. '' So this is what it's going to be.'' Truth said. He snapped his fingers and nothing happened. at least it looked like nothing happened. '' Izuku why did you make your notes.''

'' It was an escape that didn't resolve in me getting a beating.'' What the hell?'' Ojiro asked. That didn't sound like something Midoriya would say. '' What did you do?'' Nezu asked Truth. '' I made it so that Izuku here can only speak the truth. He can't lie or try and speak around the subject. Anything you ask him now is 100% the truth.'' Of course, they wanted to know if this was correct. 

They just didn't know what to ask. This was going to be the absolute truth. The girls had one question they wanted to ask but it but the fear of him rejecting is stopping them. '' What is your thought about being in a relationship?'' Momo asked. She believed it was a good question. The normal Izuku would speak around the subject.

'' I would love one, But my fear of being hurt and my social shyness make it so that would be very unlikely,'' Izuku said, It kinda shocked people. '' What is your opinion on me as a mother,'' Inko said. She fully believes she failed as a mother and needed a truthful answer. '' You are the most amazing mother. I couldn't even dream of a better mother. Without you, I would have ended it years earlier. It was sad when you gained weight but it never changed anything.  '' 

It brought tears to Inko. Tears of pure joy. She hated herself as she believed she was also at fault for her son's pain and suffering. '' Why didn't you train your body to become a hero?'' Aizawa asked now hopefully getting a truthful answer out of him this time. '' Mostly it was a fear of receiving a bigger beating each day. I had a hard enough time getting pushed around because I was smarter than most. I was forced to get lower grades than I would normally get because I was upstaging the others. I didn't want to find out how much the beatings would worsen if I looked like I had become a physical challenge as well. the second part was hope. I hoped for a wonder quirk. I believed that becoming a hero would only be possible with a quirk.'' Izuku said

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