FireFist Izuku

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'' Please no, Please no murder and death.'' The group asked as Truth kept laughing like an evil manic Before he started laughing like an average person.'' Just kidding, I won't do that.... for now.'' Truth smirked as the group was slightly worried, but Truth didnt care for that as he had found a new world for them to watch.

'' Cool world detected, Now let's see what information you will need.'' Truth thought about it for a little bit.'' Alright, it isn't like a normal world, There are more jobs than just heroes, Remember the world where Izuku was massive and a pirate, Those two worlds are sort of fused in this. AFO is an active villain and father. '' Truth said with everyone understanding the world.'' Makes me wonder what the world turns out to be. what will Izuku be, maybe he will be a marine or a pirate.'' Let's find out, shall we.'' Truth said before the group would break into groups arguing about Izuku never being a pirate because he is far too sweet.

 '' KEEP BACK PLEASE, HERO AT WORK.'' Death arm yelled out loudly. Went for all the kids, and parents in the area, that were moving slightly too close to the fight. Using his big bulky arms Death arms jumped in front of a group of kids out on a school trip. The villain that was able to fully control leaves was slowly overpowering Death arms. The nearby trees gave the villain even more power, Death arms were keeping on a brave face but he was being overpowered easily. But then with a white coat reading Justice. Each leaf was burned away by a single attack.

'' Oh wow what a powerful quirk for the villain, Trees are everywhere, plus leaves are pretty compact, Allowing them to be packed in nearly everywhere.'' Yeah, But a great weakness, Unless you can also strengthen your leaves, it's barely anything, Plus fire is your greatest weakness.'' Izuku's point was shown right away as a flame attack burned away all the leaves

Vice Admiral Enji Todoroki stood in the open. His arm stretched out as the flames around his fingers.'' Justice has arrived.'' While 10 years ago, Enji, His allies Endeavor, was a hot-blooded, absolute justice manic that would nearly torture villains all in the pursuit of power. All to surpass All Might. He got in a firey squad of Admiral Akainu, It cleared alot up, after seeing a manic willing to murder, entire towns in order to root out evil, Endeavor became a source of better.

'' Damn that fucker is more insane than Endeavor, I didnt even know that was fucking possible, He is a goddamn monster.'' Toya said shocked, at least his idiot of a father just hurt villains and was rude to civilians,'' HOW DID THAT TURN INTO A ADMIRAL, I THOUGHT MARINES WERE GOOD.'' There are always bad good guys and good bad guys,'' Truth told them as he himself had anger toward Akainu, But that is why he was such a good evil dude, just reasons to hate, no reasons to like him.

Endeavor now was just like All Might both in the profession as in goal, While heroes like death arms were just purely Pro hero, Then those Like all might, Where Heroes of the Marines, a subsection of both, You could choose to more be hero or marine, All might was more hero, Going around saving people and if the marines needed help he would do that too. Endeavor mainly worked as a marine, he would act out missions and help out as a hero when he could..'' Death arms, keep an eye out for 2 individuals, One wearing a pink flamingo coat and one in a suit.''

'' How weird, Endeavor being a hero that acts like All Might,'' Endeavor was silent, But interested, Normally he would have ignored death arms seeing he would just be a useless hero seeing he was unable to defeat someone, But from the world they watched, He understood, the old him was wrong, 

The two men in question right now were across town. Sitting in an empty restaurant, Relaxing sitting across the table from each other.'' Now All For One, I was quite surprised an old timer like you would have gone out in the open.'' AFO laughed as he leaned back and swirled his whiskey,'' Unlike you Doflamigo, I am not burdened by the foolishness of youth, I happily take my outings when I want, But enough chitchat, Unlike your boss I am not one to engage in foolishness, Now Kaido told me you could offer me something I would like,''

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