Cartoon Izuku

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'' So what do you want to watch, I am unsure,'' Nejire said to the group everyone was thinking about it having no real  idea what they wanted to see.'' Well, I always look forward to the free and fun-loving Midoriya. Hell maybe some fourth-wall-breaking shit, I love seeing that in the show.'' Kaminari said with a chuckle.'' Oh yeah that we haven't seen yet, That for sure could be funny, But also really weird. I don't know if I want a different Izuku to speak right at me.'' Izuku said with the group laughing.

'' Oh some gag stuff would be fun, Like that show the cape baldie, Stuff like that is really fun to see someone that strong that he isn't even fair. I love those types of shows'' Mirio laughs with Truth jumping up.'' I got one, everything gets explained within the world, So that doesn't matter, But just know, there is just fun in this show, Nothing dark or scary, Believe me.'' Truth sounded like he was lying, But he wasn't this world was just fully for fun, But he said it like that on purpose.

 We see the camera zooming in to a very high apartment building with wide railings on the balcony, Inside that apartment we see a young Izuku running around with a young Mirio, Mirio at the time was slightly older than Izuku, but the two of them were still great friends, Mirio finding Izuku as he was chased by a group of kids that wanted to bully him, His normal protector was Bakugo but he was sick. So they had free range on bullying Izuku, That was until Mirio stepped in and pushed them away seeing it's a hero's job to protect not bully.

'' Hey, it's me and Mido being buddies. Cool'' Mirio laughed seeing both of them running around playing tag or something like that.'' Oh, it seems that Izuku and Bakugo also have a good relationship, I just hope nothing happens to that.'' Itsuka said with Truth laying back and nodding off

Since that day Izuku and Mirio became best friends, They were always with each other Izuku already helped Mirio with his quirk at even age 4 he was very smart. His mother and Mirio's father sitting at the coffee table drinking some tea laughing at their children.'' Mario, you are brave. Letting your son run around with the door open while he could fall and splat all over the ground.'' Inko said clearly in nervous laughter. Showing she was very scared for her son, But he was laughing so she let it go.

'' amen, Look how high they are, and those balconies don't really seem safe for children to run around like that, with an open door, It just feels like that could just end badly, But it was a fun world right Truth, Right.'' Yeah yeah, Right, it's fun.'' Truth made it sound half ass but it was just to get a funnier reaction from them for what was about to come

'' HAHAHA, MAMA LOOK'' Izuku threw his empty juice in the air and caught it, But he was also looking right at Inko causing him to that he just ran thru the open door and ran thru the opening in the balcony.'' IZUKU.'' Inko screamed as Izuku started to run in the air, just looking at them.'' What? Why are you screaming mommy.'' Izuku said as he kept eye contact with Inko, Not sure why she is scared as he kept floating midair.'' I-iz-izuku please slowly walk toward us.'' Izuku cocked his head sideways unsure Before he then looked down. His eyes flew out of his head as his mouth opened in a scream.

'' IZUUUUWHAT THE HELL.'' The group screamed as Izuku started running midair. Nobody understood it but as he looked down Eri started laughing as it connected in her mind, It started looking like one of the many funny cartoons she was allowed to watch by her papa before school.'' Papa looks like the funny cartoons.''

Izuku fell, from around 15 stories up in the air to the ground. His mom, Mirio, and his father sprinted down at full speed, scared for his health of Izuku. But as they reached the ground, Izuku was a pancake. He wasn't dead, with no blood, He was just laying flat on the floor, talking muffled, Without thinking Inko ran up and grabbed Izuku's head. She had to peel him off the floor.'' IZUKU.'' She cried with Izuku being flat talking.'' yeah.'' WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON I AM SO CONFUSED.'' Inko yelled

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