Wild Izuku part 2

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'' We should do something fun when we get back.'' Mina brought up with Izuku turning to look at her.'' What do you mean Mina, Like a date?'' Well yes, I want to go on dates with you, But I was thinking of something more like a group activity,  Like maybe we can go clubbing together.'' Mina said with a smile.

'' You know Pink, I kind of thought you would say something lewd,'' Setsuna said testing out a new nickname. Mina just laughed.'' I thought about it, Liz.'' This confused Setsuna .'' Liz like Lizard.'' Mina said with made Setsuna just laugh.'' Well I like that you two are getting along so well, But I am okay with it,'' Izuku said.'' Mina, is that an invitation for just the Cult of Dekuism or also for us guys?'' Oh everyone is allowed,'' Mina said with her hands in the air in a cheer.

'' We aren't a cult.'' Ibara said but that was shot down by Ida.'' Well, a cult is described as A person or a thing that is Popular or Fashionable among a particular group or section of Society, Which could describe you all.'' ONE CHEER FOR THE CULT OF DEKU.'' Mina cheered aswell as Ochaco, Toru, Nemuri, Camie, Emi, Pixie-bob, Setsuna, Pony, Mei, Nejire, and Komori all cheered making Izuku chuckle.

'' Hey, I found one, It's Wild Part two.''  Truth said with Nana not sure  what it was.'' Which one was that again?'' It was the first one you watched. Izuku was being hunted by someone that stole quirks. He was then put into the forest near the wild wild Pussycats, In that forest, there were multiple animals with strong quirks. You all found him, Then became his lovers while he protected you. Now we will be watching right after that.'' Truth explained but before he could snap Eri asked.'' uhm What was his quirk again Mister Truth.'' If anyone else asked him he would have told them to figure it out but Eri was Eri.'' Well, your papa can become any animal he wants, No matter if it's real or make belief.'' He told Eri who nodded as Truth then snapped his fingers which started the show

 We see Rei and Toya carry Endeavor a little to the side, Rei was sure Endeavor had alot of broken bones, So by putting him to the side They could focus on healing him. Rei looked over to her son that was about to fight the same monster that just beat her husband like a toy. And she was very worried but thankfully she heard Nemuri speak.'' Izuku go soft on them, This is training for them, So they have to be able to move the entire week, If you do we will have some fun tonight.''

'' Oh yeah, Endeavor got his shit kicked in by Midoriya in like 5 minutes.'' Tsuburaba laughed but Truth spoke.'' Without his quirk going full power.'' Oh fuck why do we get to fight him now, Cant we watch us get attacked by villains or something.'' Kaminari said seeing both first-years enter the ring.'' You really are an idiot, you want to be attacked by villains.'' Monoma scoffed with Kaminari shrugging.'' Yeah we got all those Pro's plus that Midoriya, 

Izuku just cracked his shoulders as he waited for all of 1A and 1B to enter.'' FUCK GOING SOFT BIG BITCH, I WILL EXPLODE YOUR SORRY ASS ALL OVER THIS FUCKING FOREST.'' Bakugo screamed as he shot forward with two explosions flying toward Izuku. Bakugo pushed his two palms forward right into Izuku's face, and he then let out the biggest explosion he could right into Izuku's face at close range.

'' I doubt that really did anything,'' Mitsuki said with a sigh, She knew her brat was strong, He was a massive ass but he was strong. But if Izuku could bitch handle matchstick, He was going to have no trouble with start-ups like 1A and 1B, And her idiot of a kid really attacked without their main strength, Teamwork.

Before Bakugo even landed on the ground he already had a smirk thinking he just defeated him. But Izuku's face came out of the smoke. Marks of an explosion on his face. But he was smiling. Izuku landed a hook shot right into his gut which made Bakugo spit out his stomach contents as he flew out the ring, He was stopped only because All Might caught him.'' Oops, Guess I have to hold back more.'' Izuku said scaring the shit out of the students.

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