Izuku 10

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'' Hey Truth instead of each of us coming up there and doing YOUR job, How about you go up and tell us about a possible new world, maybe one you have been cooking up to make perhaps,'' Mitsuki said sounding very sassy. She has been seeing Truth lean back sipping coconuts and overall relaxing. Sure everyone else was doing that, But Truth did bring them out to this location so he had to do most of the heavy lifting. Truth moved his head shocked not expecting to be called out but shrugging it off as he walked forward.

'' Well, I have been thinking of a couple of new worlds, Like fully new worlds, Just like my Royal Izuku story I told and showed you all.'' The group nodded as they remembered it. Izuku king of the world was hard to forget.'' Well, So Only one of these stories would really be about Midoriya. If you remember that one, one of them would have been the story of the Strawhat pirates. It would follow that original crew. Then a possible other was The Naruto world I have shown here before.''

Truth said with a couple of pictures showing up behind him as he spoke. Acting like small reminders for those that could not fully remember.'' But the one with the MC here. Would be Unique. You see in all these stories. UA is a top-tier school. Best of the best. top 3 in Japan.'' AND YOU KNOW IT.'' Present Mic called out proudly repping UA.'' Yeah, I don't see it. I really don't, so in this world. UA would be a trash school. Worse of the worse.'' The teachers rightfully so got a little offended by that. They created the best heroes they could make and each time multiple heroes from those years made it to the top. 

'' Examples. Nezu is an insane maniac that likes to use his superior knowledge to bully and annoy people. He knows what you say when you say it and even how you will fucking say it. Aizawa is a man who spends more time in his sleeping bag trying to sleep, effectively training his students. Present Mic, A loud-mouth idiotic DJ wannabe teacher. Midnight is a sexual deviant that should not be teaching the Youth. You guys breathe trouble and fight. So you stay the same and the world doesn't accept the Bullshit of UA gets to do it the UA way.''

Truth said calmly and honestly. He left out what differences would happen to Izuku. But then if people wished to find that out, They could look at the world when it arrived (xd)  Truth clapped his hands loudly'' But enough of that, Let's watch Nezu's suggestion, It sounded fun.'' Truth said snapping his fingers to start the show.

We see a 10-year-old Izuku walking around. He had just come out of school and he was not having a good time. Right after school, Izuku noticed two high schoolers bullying one of his classmates. Izuku who was dreaming of becoming a hero felt a need to step in. Just went he did so. Izuku and the boy he tried to save, earned the reward of being hung by their underwear on a tree branch.'' Next time if you think of stepping in, at least can back it up.'' The other boy said annoyed at Izuku.

'' What a fucking brat, at least he could be slightly grateful for trying,'' Moe said annoyed that even if Izuku tried helping he still got sassed.'' I mean I do get where the kid is coming from. One moment you think your saved and boom you got a nerd hanging next to you.'' Sato said He did feel the kid could have at least said thanks.

But now he was able to at least just walk home after the groundskeeper let them both down. But now Izuku was just walking home glad to have some sort of vacation from school and bullies. Just then. Out of an alley he walked by every day. He heard a voice.'' Oi Kid, Oi, your Izuku Midoriya right.'' The voice said. Izuku checked in the alley to see who spoke. A large adult man. his chest was pretty big as he wore a white shirt with black around the color and arms with a stripe down.

''Don't go into a fucking alley with strange people. Only dumb shits do that'' Rumi said knowing that is how people get kidnapped, then again Izuku fucking breathes problems and trouble so she would not be surprised in the least if that would have happened.

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