Izuku God of Speed.

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Izuku was really wondering what was going on in the mind of Monoma while the rest were giving their votes for the story. Why would Monoma want to compare sizes He didn't know much about what guy friends do in their spare time but he was about 95% sure it wasn't that.

And he and Monoma weren't even friends. Izuku tried his best, He always tried his best to make friends. He had a list and list of enemies and bullies that already hated him, and with him doing his best as a hero that list will be filled with villains to top. But For his classmates at UA, He always tried making friends. It didn't matter if it was a business course student or one of the big three. To Izuku everyone deserved friendship.

But Monoma always was a dick to him. It kind of gave Izuku a headache if he was honest. He didn't want to ruin his relationship with any of the 1B students but he really was a reason to stop visiting for sure. So he was sure as hell not going to compare dick sizes with him.

'' beach episode with Izuku in a speedo,'' Pixie-bob said still having Izuku in her mind showing his family jewels to them. '' Him like in the wilderness,'' Camie said smiling at the thought of Izuku in nothing but a loincloth, A primal look in his eyes all focused on her as a mate. '' Give him swords and let him cut stuff up,'' Kaminari said as he unsheathes his imaginary sword and sliced Kirishima

'' How about Midoriya with a speed quirk.'' Ida said with truth liking the idea much like the others.'' Let's do that one. I know just the one.'' Can you  tell us his top speed at least, I would love to know how I would compare.'' Ida said assuming his quirk would hold up to Izuku. '' Uhm, Sure. Izuku has a top speed of around 187.765 mph or 83.938M/S. He is quite the fast one.'' This left them with open mouths. They had heard of fast before but got damn. I felt slow calling him fast.

It showed Izuku in school. High school at Aldera with Bakugo. Class for everyone meant learning. For Izuku it would mean keeping busy with hobbies in silence. In this lesson, he was busy learning college-level mechanical techniques. 

Does his speed quirk make him smarter aswell or is this just Him being a massive nerd?'' Pony asked with Izuku letting out a chuckle at the nerd part.'' Both, His quirk speeds up everything also his brain speed. So reading an entire book for high school would take 2 weeks at most and finishing all the work for that would take 2 more weeks. So to keep busy Izuku decided to work ahead on anything he would find interesting.'' Truth said with it receiving some nerd chants from everyone including Inko

Izuku for shifting thru the bookmaking it looks as if he was searching for a big picture but he was reading each page fully he was just doing that at super speed. He was so busy with his book that he didn't notice the teacher started talking about their future as an adult.

I wish I was able to read that fast, Homework would be so much easier.'' Kyoka said with everyone agreeing. Some for different reasons. Mei would love the chance to read that fast. She would spend so much time reading everything on robotics and mechanical stuff until she could create the perfect super baby that could take over the world. Or make perfect toast whatever came first.

For Izuku it didn't mean much. He knew where he was going. He had known since he was 4. Same for his buddy.'' Hey nerd, class is over.'' He was brought out by a smack on the head'' Oh, Thank Kachan. We still having dinner at your house right?'' Yeah but the hag and aunty needed some Tuna.'' Oh, sure I can grab it on the way to deliver that parcel.'' Izuku said. 

''Oh, he has to be the cutest delivery boy out there,'' Inko said embarrassing her son, The woman agreed but on such a different road. some of the more thirsty women were thinking that ordering a pizza with extra-large sausage would be great if they got Izuku to deliver it.

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