RedHood Izuku.

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'' So Izuku, Is it alright if I call you Izuku.'' Nana asked with Izuku nodding.'' So What would you have done if let's say you didn't get OFA, Where would you be then.'' I dont know, I would most likely be in some other school.'' I would have thought you would turn vigilante tho.'' Kaminari said.'' That is illegal Kaminari, Midoriya would never do something like that.'' Ida stated.

'' I doubt that Problem child now only follows the rules seeing as he is becoming a hero, I highly doubt that he would follow those same rules if he wasn't at a hero school.'' I must agree with mister Aizawa, Izuku would without a doubt try and save people even if that meant going against the law.''Inko said.

'' Well you have to consider the fact he doesn't hold OFA so could he even,'' Mirio said'' that is correct, Before I met Young Midoriya he was rather thin, So I wonder if he would even be in the state too.'' It's depending on the universe. Sometimes he goes a completely different direction first and then goes all vigilante, He sometimes tries vigilantism but dies or doesn't like it, Some he gives up and becomes evil, He sometimes joins AFO and gains quirks thru that way.'' I wonder what happens to us without Izuku, I am pretty sure I wouldn't be at UA if it wasn't for him.'' Ochaco said.'' Oh we can watch one of those in a couple of universes,'' Truth said with Nejire then speaking

'' That means you already have one to watch now?'' Jup, I just can't say too much about it, But I will explain at the end.'' Truth said,'' But I do warn you now because it's a little hard to look at for the faint of heart,'' What do you mean by that, Do people die or get tortured.'' Ibara said not wanting anything bad to happen.'' Just be ready for some hard-to-watch stuff.'' Truth said and with a snap, the screen began playing.

  We see Camie walking the streets. She was wearing a black shirt that showed alot of cleavage. She wore ripped skinny jeans and was listening to music on her earphones. She was so focused that the hero trainee didnt notice the 3 large men stalking her, She didnt notice them coming behind her. She however did notice them when they grabbed her, covered her mouth, and pulled her into an alleyway.

'' WATCH OUT.'' Mina and Toru yelled just before the guys grabbed Camie,'' You know that me can't hear you right.'' We know, It just we can still hope.'' Oh, I kind of hope something bad happens to them, Like a 100% OFA kick to the nuts.''Komori said,'' That would kill them, I am 1000% sure that if I used OFA at 100% and use it to kick someone in the nuts they would die.'' Izuku said.'' I mean a normal kick in the nuts would be enough to bring down most guys.'' Setsuna said.'' I wonder what the limit would be for a dick kick,'' Not testing that.'' All the guys said instantly not wanting to get kicked in the nuts.

 The leader of the three placed one of his four hands over her mouth as he slammed her into the wall. Camie tried punching the guy but one of the other guys grabbed her hands and pinned them against the wall with his quirk making her arms stuck to the wall. '' I am going to remove my hand from your mouth, If you scream I will make sure won't be able to scream for the next couple of months. Understood hero whore.'' He then slowly lifted his hand.'' We have seen you patrol here in your whore outfit, and we found that for your hard work you deserve a reward.'' He said as he ripped his top completely off leaving Camie in her Bra.

'' Why the fuck are they calling her a whore.'' Mitsuki asked unsure as overall she seemed like a great girl altho just a tad bit weird.'' It's because of her hero suit, Which is a fucking weird thing as there have been way worse.'' Truth said with Izuku turning his head toward Truth.'' Excuse me Truth can you please explain what you meant by it.'' Oh well, some people believe because of the way she wears her hero suit with the makeup and her large bust people like to assume stuff and one of them is that she is a whore, That added on with the fake lies some guys say to boost their coolness such as saw that Hottie with the big tits at that class, Yeah dude I banged here, She was like begging me for more and shit. That sort Bullshit.'' Truth said with Izuku planning to find out if other people believed the same thing but in their universe.

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