Son of the Devil Izuku. Part 2

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''It's great you all enjoyed that one.'' Yeah. Yeah, I need to see that one being run back soon.'' Kaibara said wiping away one of his tears. It was a fun ride he wanted to take again.'' Amen.'' Hawks added on, Not seeing the eyes of Ibara scold him for a second.'' But I did get more added to the list. '' The voices were extremely helpful. Will accept more like always. But one I would like to talk about. That is just so funny to me.'' Truth said, Adding the hype slightly as he gave a dramatic pause

'' Fraud Izuku.'' And gone, all the hype build-up, Just disappeared.'' what?'' Inko asked, confused.'' Okay so listen. This Izuku has no quirk, no power, no nothing. He could not win a real fight on his own, BUT.'' Truth said adding theBut so the group would not start bitching right away.'' He has the ability to lie and it works out.'' Truth said with a smirk. Pony instantly made the connection and she loved it.'' So an example right? Izuku stands in front of a villain at 12 years old. The villain holds a large blade as he yells at Izuku to give him his money.''

'' Why would an adult rob a child, they are not known for lots of cash.'' Ojiro asked with Truth waving him off.'' Izuku would respond something like. Dont fight me, my quirk can tear down buildings in a single punch. Seeing he is quirkless that won't happen, But as he swings his fist. Just so happened, that the building behind the villain got blown up. demolished. or another hero on that side breaks it.'' The rest started following along, understanding the premise of the story.'' And the villain believes it, instantly giving up. And it would work 100% of the time.

'' Yes please,'' Nana said sure she wanted to see that. Oh god, that would be funny.'' Well, that is for some time later, First up. Son of the devil Izuku. Little jokes, little action, Best of both worlds. Or well I hope.'' Truth said before snapping his fingers and starting the show.

The white powder gets placed in a line on the soft pale blue background, and a woman's giggling is heard, Before We see Izuku, One finger pressed against his nose as he snorts the entire line.'' Wooooow.'' Izuku said excitedly. A rush entered his body as he felt the effects.'' Enjoyed it.'' The woman spoke now showing Chitose. There were dozens of women and men, naked and passed out. Izuku had started a massive orgy while still consuming massive amounts of cocaine.'' How could I not.'' He smacked her ass. Now transformed more into his real form. While remaining human.

'' How did he obtain such amounts,'' Momo said a little shocked at the amount. dozens of piles, bricks, and the likes just thrown around.'' Oh well, he traveled to Colombia, bought like a fuck ton there, and left.'' Truth said with a smile as everyone just blinked

He had been in the massive orgy for well over 2 days now. While others would leave and join back again. It was great. His body didn't need food or water. But he did get extremely addicted to two things. Some green-haired ladies cooking. as well as the blood of that other green-haired lady. Her faith, her pureness. it allowed her blood to taste almost orgasmic. Just perfect. He instinctively licked his lips at the memory. Then again, He wasn't just going to kidnap her, While he wasn't against it. Humans were against such a thing.

'' So you are a demon huh.'' Not just in bed.'' Izuku said looking at Chitose.'' Yes, I am a demon. Just by definition.'' So why not kill and eat us. Or at least try.'' Oh, Human flesh just tastes meh. In all honesty fried chicken is better. But it's on the demon. I don't kill the innocent,'' Oh so could you kill little old me.'' Izuku placed his hand firmly on her ass. Growing his nails ever so slightly to leave slight lines on her ass'' Oh I don't know angel cakes.'' Izuku took a whiff.

'' FRIED CHICKEN IS THE BEST.'' Hawks said still having a wing in his hand.'' Meh. The fast-food chicken can hit, But it really just is a hit or miss. Self-made, while it's great. It does make a mess and a lot of effort. And I would know. I love to cook. A just normal cooked meal fits better at least for me. then again some chicken strips with the normal food is a banger'' Truth said honestly

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