Singing Deku

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Sorry for how weird the lyrics are placed but I have been trying to fix it for over 5 hours now and it keeps messing up so yeah I cant be bothered to try anymore. Please still try and enjoy the chapter

Truth had to mute Bakugo. He had literally just removed the sound from Bakugo. He looked like he was screaming his ass off, with him being bright red and even giving of sparks in his hands. But no sound.

To Mitsuki this was heaven. She had spent far too many years with her brat screaming at the top of his longs for some Bullshit to happen. She remembered a time where she was still asleep only to be awakened by the screams of her 3-year-old child. Who at that point was yelling at Dora who was asking where the castle was. 

'' Can you give me that Ability please.'' She asked nearly begged Truth with him laughing.'' Dont worry Mitsuki, I am pretty sure that the second you all leave here, He will be a different person. But if he still yells at Dora when you get sent back I will give you that Ability myself.'' He told her with her sighing relief.

'' But while we are talking about giving stuff let me do this.'' Truth snapped his fingers and stuff started to happen. All Might started changing from his skeleton form into a more human and even healthy-looking man. AFO started getting his face back. His eyes returned and the scaring disappeared. The light was very bright seeing as he didn't see color for well over 6 years now.

 Mirio felt something he had not felt for a couple of months and wasn't excepting to feel for a couple of years. He had his quirk back. He tested it out by phasing his hand thru the chair of Tamaki. Tears started coming from his eyes. He really thought he was going to have to give up on being a hero for a couple of years, But now it wasn't needed anymore.

Aizawa felt something on his face and noticed his the scar that he had earned during the USJ was gone. He was fine again and he was able to use his quirk at 100% again. Toga's eyes went wide for a second. The voice in the back of her head was begging her to drink blood. The constant need that was during her time at Truths area was silenced to a whisper was now complete silence.

This was the first time it happened to her. She normally after drinking the blood of someone it was silent for a day at most. A day where she didn't have the constant asking for blood or for her mind to scream at her. But seeing as she didn't drink that often the voice was hard to keep quiet. What Toga didn't know about her own quirk was that how blood was given and by who it was given mattered. If Toga would get blood from Kirishima for example and he would give that blood willingly instead of Toga having a day of silence She would have around a week. But that could even grow to a month if it was the blood of someone that she loved and that loved her. It still had to be given willingly.

Izuku's body started becoming warm. Not I am burning up but a calming and healing warmth. He checked over his arms and noticed that his scared started disappearing. Eri and Kota saw this aswell and started looking at their father's arms.''Papa what's going on. Where are your ouchies.'' Eri asked with Izuku not knowing how to answer. '' That is my doing. I removed everyone's injuries. Izuku's scars and bone injuries, Toshi's gut wound, AFO's face, Toga's craziness. anything you had a problem with I fixed.''

'' So my arms as good as new now?'' Izuku asked with Truth nodding. Izuku went to test this out by doing some handstand push-ups but seeing as he was so focused on keeping balanced he didn't notice his shirt flopping down and showing his abs. This made the woman drool seeing Izuku was tightening his core to not fall.

Before Izuku was able to do more Truth snapped his fingers teleporting Izuku back to his seat.'' however cool it was to watch I dont feel like drowning, I can feel the moister level of this room going up with each move you make.'' Truth said making the woman very embarrassed as for each of them their upper lips weren't the only wet ones.

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