The big 200th (108.462 words)

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( Welcome to the insanly long chapter that is the 200th)
I wish everyone a happy holiday, May you enjoy this gift aswell

'' Well, then ladies and gentlemen I believe it's time we do the wishes. Now some of you got double wishes, But I am too lazy to remember so yeah. Just think of a good wish. Remember some things are out of my hands. I can't change human nature as that is a rule against the gods. So no remove all evil. Keep it to something you want. Remember just because I can do everything doesn't mean you should wish for something extreme. Also, I might be part genie so from time to time don't look surprised when I mess with the wish in weird ways. But I have a list here so we will go down it one by one and yeah.'' Truth said, everyone agreed and started thinking of their wishes. Some already had ideas, while others slightly panicked as they forgot.

'' Nezu your up first. what is it that you want.'' Nezu smiled.'' I would like the ability to teleport.'' Nice, simple, a great way to show up behind people, I love it.'' Truth snapped his fingers. Nezu glowed slightly before he returned to normal.'' Now this teleportation is only for you. Anyone else that tried will violently shit themselves, Plus they won't be able to enter. Also if you try forcing people to walk into it Nezu, you will shit yourself. ''

''The next one up is Recovery Girl.'' Make it so my quirk doesn't take stamina. I can help more people that way for the couple of years I still have left to work.'' She said with a sigh. In reality, she had everything she wanted. she had lived a good life. She was together with a kind and sweet man. Plus her job was way easier without Izuku breaking everything.

Truth nodded and snapped his fingers. Before focusing on the next one.'' Anan, what wish do you want.'' She thought of it. Just like most, she was content in life. unlimited money didnt matter. She was glad.'' Make it so my quirk has better control. So it doesn't work on people.'' Truth snapped.'' It doesn't work on civilians anymore. you can still turn it on villains though. That would be a way to defend yourself in case of emergency.''

'' Now hound dog. what do you want boy, a tree only for you. to finally get the mailman.'' Hound dog laughed at Truth's behavior. Not the first nor the last time those jokes were made.'' How about a speed form? I would like to get to place faster.'' Truth snapped and gave him a large direwolf hybrid form. Would scare the living shit out of people but it made him fast.''

'' Now all might, what is it that you want.'' All Might was a man who had everything. money, fame, power. He held it all, But one piece was missing.'' If possible I would like my mother to be alive again. To be happy and healthy, perhaps even be in love again.'' Truth nodded as he raised his finger.'' Let me see what I can do.'' Truth stepped into a portal.

It seemed like 10 minutes had gone by before Truth was thrown out the portal.'' Well, good news. I was able to get your mother's soul back from death. Bad news. I am no longer allowed to revive people. Nor am I allowed in 4 universes of death. She did not like the fact I took those souls. But Yeah here you go.'' Truth snapped. The world stopped for a moment before something happened. Instead of right next to Truth. A warp happened right in the middle of Izuku's harem. And almost like she belonged there for years. Holding Izuku's hand. Takemi Yagi stood

 Takemi Yagi stood

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