Izuku Yagi. Son of All Might

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'' That is a fun idea. So Izuku, Do you have something fun in mind for my quirk, or am I just too boring.'' Pixie-bob said mainly to tease Izuku, as she couldn't think of a way to use her own quirk. But she of course wasn't Izuku.'' You aren't boring, None of you are boring, And you all are super strong already,'' I know Izuku, I was teasing you.'' Oh, But I do have something for you.'' Izuku popped up as he began searching in his notebooks. '' So I have to admit that I got this idea seeing An tv show. But you could alter the dirt around yourself and have it act like an armor that could also increase your strength,'' This got Pixie-bob to look around at everyone to see if it's correct.

The heroes looked toward Truth and Nezu hoping to see if it was a possible idea.'' I assume it should be possible.'' Nezu said as Truth nodded.'' With enough Training it should work,'' Truth said not looking at them as he was still looking into a new universe. Which got Pixie-bob to try it.  She used the dirt around the watching area And tried it, It, of course, didnt work on the first try, She was able to work it into some sort of glove which was handy.

'' Do me next, I want a lightning sword,'' Kaminari said acting like a child as he looked at Izuku who gave a nod as he started looking into his notes. '' This is fully a theory with no real promise if it would work. But I believe that work the help if Melissa or Mei, You could possibly create a handle, That would work as a battery, and you cause then use it to send your lightning thru it, Or perhaps a baton that would work.'' Izuku said irritated with how unpredictable some lightning quirks were, But then again Lightning itself was unpredictable.

'' I hoped for a like a full blade of lightning but I guess that was just a dream of a kid huh.'' Well Yeah, It's just that Lightnigh is very unpredictable, even more so in a quirk. There have been people that could perfectly control it, Each spark at their control, But there have been people that had zero control, It sparking out of them without their own will.'' Izuku said with Kaminari giving a sad nod. He heard the stories, '' You could get a whip that conducts it, That could be useful.'' Izuku suggested with Kaminari shurgging.

'' Hey I found one again, It will be a fun one.'' Truth said with Inko asking what it would be about with Truth holding a chuckle in as he said.'' Izuku is the son of All Might.'' Before he could finish speaking Shoto sprang up pointed his finger at Izuku with his eyes wide open and he yelled.'' I FUCKING KNEW IT, YOU KEPT SAYING IT WASNT THRU BUT I FUCKING KNEW IT,'' Shoto screamed as if he had uncovered the world's most well-kept secret.

'' No, This is the world you are watching, The Izuku you know is born from Inko and AFO. But that Izuku is born from Inko and All Might, It's a rather fun story, So try and keep the I knew you were his child at a minimum alright.'' Truth said with all the Todoroki's nodding, Apparently, It was genetic. But with that Truth snapped his fingers which started the show.

 We see a young Inko stepping out of a car. Inko however was younger than she was than they had seen Before. This Inko looked as if she was only recently an adult, Which she was, Inko looked at an apartment building, Her head just dropped down as she noticed most of her furniture still on the floor outside of her building. She would file a complaint, But her phone isn't plugged in yet, So Inko stood up straight again, Rolled up her sleeves as she went to work pulling her stuff into her apartment.

''Let's see it Mamadoriya, Show us those guns at work.'' Pony said as she petted her own bicep with a laugh. The laughing just grew as they saw Inko lifting her stuff with a bit of trouble.'' Please tell me that didnt happen in real life.'' Inko just kept quiet with Mitsuki wanting to find those scumbags and break their spines.'' You really should have called me, I would have helped.'' Mitsuki said with Inko nodding.'' It's in the past.''

It did not go well, She was able to drag the small table in and a couple of chairs, But Inko never was strong, She was smart and Beautiful, But not strong, So this was a pain. But as she was having trouble with her dinner table, She heard a kind and gentle laugh.'' Do you need help mam?'' She looked back, and a young man with bright blond hair and an intoxicating smile on his face.'' No, I got this.'' Inko said not wanting to be a burden, She however slipped up, Her hands lost their grip and she fell backward onto her butt, With the table slowly slipping downwards down to the bottom of the stairs making Inko sight and Toshinori chuckle.

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