^Chapter 7^

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Next day at Veerlok

Baalveer, Vivaan and all the fairies were present there. Shaurya came and asked Baalveer to show the recordings that they have collected. In the recording, they saw Birba and another girl entering, talking something with each other and then leaving again. (They couldn't hear anything. as the recording had no sound.)

Vivaan- "Birba is alive!!!"

Baalveer- "Shaurya can you find out who is the other girl with Birba?"

Shaurya just nodded and roared. From his mouth a magical sphere came out and spread in front of them. Ritwika's face was glorified and in the background Shinkai was visible.

Shaurya- "This is Ritwika, daughter of Bambal. It's said that he never talked about his daughter and had sent her very far away from him, for protection. Ritwika was learning powerful magic at that place. He was preparing her for something big which he planned for 20 years. But Baalveer killed him before he could succeed. She is probably back to avenge his father."

Baalveer- "She was learning powerful magic, that's why she could break our shield. She was more powerful than us."

Shaurya- "But now we have more powers. so you guys don't have to worry."

Jwala pari- "Shaurya, then why don't we go at Shinkai and attack them. Finish them for good?"

Ananya- "That won't be easy Jwala pari. When last time we went there, they were gone already. first we have to track when they are coming in Shinkai. or better we can make a trap for them, so they come to us easily. Then we won't have to search for them everywhere."

Baalveer- "Hmm...Sometimes you really use your brain...😜"

Ananya- "😊Thank.....WAIT what do you mean by 'sometimes'?😡"

Vivaan- "Partner means 'all the times'. right partner?" He told quickly to stop the fight. Ananya didn't buy his explanation but decided to not fight in the presence of Shaurya. 

Shaurya- "Ananya's idea is good. we can plan a trap for them. for that do you guys have anything in mind?"

Baalveer- "yes shaurya, I do have some ideas. If your prediction is right and Ritwika has actually come to avenge his father, then her target mainly would be 'me' and then veerlok."

Ananya felt bad when baalveer said Ritwika's target is 'him'. she remembers the last time he almost died from Ray's attack and was very worried for him. But didn't let it show on her face. But she was determined to protect him this time as she got powers. 

Shaurya- "That's why you need to be more careful this time baalveer."

Baalveer- "of course shaurya. They can't defeat us this time, in fact we will defeat them. So my plan is as their priority would be me, if they get me in veerlok, they might not go for dharti lok. so to protect dharti lok, we have to make an easy escape for them in veerlok. what about we announce somehow that I lost my powers again or we can't do magic for some days?"

Shaurya- "Your plan is not bad. but it would be risky for you. you want to be a pawn to them?"Ananya- "No shaurya, he doesn't need to. (taking a look at Baalveer with concern)we just have to fake that we can't do magic for some time, so they will come out of their den. we just need to find their weakness and destroy them."

Pani pari- "are you sure this will work? what if they attack dharti lok instead, thinking an easy target in baalveer's absence of magic?"

Ananya- "Your fear is not negligible pani pari. I think we should make a trap for dharti lok also. we will decrease the protection for some time, so they can enter easily, but once they are in, they will be teleported to veerlok directly. as we will use the shield as the portal."

Vivaan- "very detailed plan di, I must say."

Ananya- "Thanks Vivaan 😊"

Dhwani pari- "but this will take a lot of time to do. we have to prepare the portal, make another shield, make traps for them here in veerlok also."

Vayu pari- "not only that. we also have to make them believe that we have become powerless for some time."

Baalveer- "Don't worry. We will surely do everything perfectly when we are together."Everyone smiled agreeing to his words. 


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