^Chapter 18^

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Pani pari assembled all fairies in the yard. There were some big stones where they could sit. Dhwani pari started speaking to them... 

(imagine her giving a lecture to a class)

Dhwani pari- "As we all know, there's going to be an election for the position of Rani pari. We all know how much importance Rani pari had at our Parilok. Unfortunately she is not here with us. Some of us don't know about her but I am positive all of us know her worth. 

We should not forget the value this position carries. So it's very very important we choose the right one for our Rani pari. I wish everyone to share their views. As only one cannot make the right person win. We have to work together."

Pari1- "But Dhwani pari, it's a secret ballot. If we share everything how is it gonna remain secret anymore?"

Dhwani pari- "You're right. That's why we will not reveal the name. But at least we can share our views about each one here and let others decide if they agree to it. I believe all of us have the potential for this position. But only one of us will get this chance. So we need to choose wisely."

All fairies kept looking at each other not knowing where to start.

Dhwani pari- "Okay I will give you an example. Suppose Pani pari said one of my best qualities is humility. but it's not fully true. as I am humble to her of course but maybe not for everyone here. I accept this. 

So what we need to do is, one by one we will share our best qualities or some incidents about the candidate. Others will be able to judge if they agree with them or not. In the end, even if we don't come to one conclusion at least it will help those who are yet to decide whom to vote and why."

One by one all were coming forward and others were discussing and sharing their experiences about them, mostly good ones. But there was room for criticism as well. All of them have someday somewhere done something good as they were made for this only. But it was the matter that who is extraordinary among them to lead the way.

(I am not describing what they said about each other as I am feeling soooo sleepy. You can imagine by yourselves.)

After the long discussion, many of them had a clear idea about whom should they vote and for what reason. Some even changed their previous choice. Some of them stick to the choice they made earlier without any influence which is also appreciated.

Ananya went to meet baalveer and vivaan who already reached bharatnagar before her and was ready for bed.

Vivaan- "what took you so long Di?"

Ananya- "Pani pari called a meeting for the fairies and it went lengthy. I am going to sleep as I need to wake up early tomorrow"

Baalveer- "Wow. looks like she already started behaving like a Rani pari. I remember Rani pari used to do the same."

Vivaan- "Really? I don't know much about the former rani pari. I wish to know more about her."

Ananya- "Even I wish to know lot of things about her. I heard how everyone from the Parilok loved her so much."

Baalveer- "Not only in Parilok. also in earth she was admired by all. She was the role-model of many. I really miss her. I would really love to take more on this topic but as I can see you are too sleepy for now. You should go to sleep."

Ananya- "Yes I need to sleep. Good night guys."

Baalveer and Vivaan also wished her good night and went to sleep.

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