^Chapter 8^

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There is a little QnA at the end. please don't skip. 


All worked hard together and made everything as they planned. Now they were waiting for Ritwika and Birba to fall into their trap. Here Shinkai people came to Kaal lok to reuse their wasted energy and make themselves more powerful. They collected as much energy as they could with Birba's device and returned to Shinkai.

Ritwika- "Birba, find out what veerlok people are doing right now, specially Baalveers. What are they planning against me? I am sure they are not going to sit idly after what I did to their dear Dharti lok last time."

Birba launched some of her devices in the air (I know they are underwater but I hope you get to visualize this.)

Birba- "There is a good news Ritwika, due to some untimely eclipse veerlok people lost their magical powers temporarily."

Ritwika- "Wow, then it's a great time to attack them."

Birba- "But will it be wise to attack them in their realm? they may be powerless now but I am sure they protected that place already."

Ritwika- "Then what do you suggest Birba?"

Birba- "I have checked, there is a shield on earth. but we can break it easily like we did last time. as we are more powerful now. I think we should destroy Dharti lok using this opportunity."

Ritwika- "why not? nothing won't be more pleasurable to see the earth getting destroyed and poor Baalveers can't do anything other than being silent spectators."(Evil Laugh)

Birba- "So when should we leave for dharti lok?"

Tauba tauba- "Take me also with you please, dear Sundri."

Ritwika- "How did he come out? didn't I asked you to tie him up well?"

Birba- "I tied him but not with magic. that's why he untied himself easily."

Tauba tauba- "Please take me with you, please please."

Ritwika- "No, only I will go there. and Birba, tie him up again." 

As per plan, when Ritwika entered earth's atmosphere, but she was automatically teleported to veerlok. She reached veerlok jail, all tied up. Then an alarm went off in the whole veerlok, alerting its residents. hearing it all fairies, baalveer, vivaan, shaurya came there. Everyone became happy seeing their plan working. their hard work paid off. Ritwika was shocked to realize their plan. She thought how foolish it was for her to do this, she was furious and started thinking about how to get out of there. She was here to take revenge for her father's death, not to die herself.

Shaurya- "Tell us who you are and why you tried to attack on earth?" (they already guessed the answer but just to be sure.)

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