^Chapter 20^

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Many days passed after the event at Bharat Nagar. Both Debu and Ananya were curious about the strange things happening whenever they came close.

They had been together always, then why these things didn't happen before. They wanted to know the answers but were hesitant to ask anyone. so they kept gathering information secretly without letting anyone know, not even each other.

Debanya when were together pretended these changes didn't bother them, which in reality were bothering them a lot. Ananya was now deep into her Rani pari responsibilities and was focusing on them. This made her spend more time with Baalveer. Which both were enjoying.

Our debanya were also keeping secrets from each other. Not about the golden rays thingy but something else. They won't tell each other, but I am the author, I will tell you all.

So for Ananya, she was planning to revive the parilok. She wanted to make it just like it was and wanted to do it before Baalpari returns. She got to know that baalpari will be coming very soon, just one element is missing from getting her back and Ananya will find it anyhow. All these things she didn't share with baalveer as she was planning a surprise for him.

Here Baalveer also planning something big. Like really big. No, he is not bringing planet Jupiter. He was actually arranging something beautiful, something special, for Ananya. Yes, you guessed it right. He was doing preparations to propose her.

Now let's see what our favorite Shaurya is doing. He is also searching for the mystery behind the changes happening with Debanya. How he got to know? well, he knows many things just doesn't tell anybody. But whatever happening with them was scaring him.

Shaurya can be seen going to a golden-white planet. He lands there and started to look out for something. He gets one Khanjar with a beautiful design quoted on it. same color. In fact everything on that planet were of golden-whitish color. He reached a palace in there, it was glowing excellently. he entered the palace.

On the entrance, two guards blocked his way. They weren't humans. They were statues but seemingly alive. They checked him thoroughly. Found the khanjar with him. They took it from him and inserted it into the gate locks, it opened and they let him in. Once inside, the main gate closed and the khanjar was back with shaurya.

He came to the hallroom and started shouting, "I have come here to seek my answers. Where are they? I won't return today without getting my answers. I am ready to trade anything for them. "


We can see Baalveer and Ananya is enjoying kulfi. Vivaan was also with them but had to leave suddenly for a job. No not related to some magical job. actually, his mom asked him to buy groceries which he forgot and now ran to bring them before his mother finds out. This resulted in a small date for debanya. so they were eating Kulfi and chitchatting on random things.

But had it ever happened, them together and so calm? no right. this time also this calm situation didn't last long. Debu said something which made ananya laugh hysterically and due to that her kulfi fell down. and of course, this made her hella angry.

Ananya- "Dabbu, this happened because of you. Now my kulfi is wasted."

Debu- "Don't worry Anu. I will bring another kulfi for you."

Ananya- "No, I wasn't 4 more kulfis, a big Cadbury dairy milk silk, and a candy floss and..."

Debu- "what? but you only lost one kulfi. I won't bring this many."

Ananya- "you will because this was your fault only dabbu."

Debu- "you promised me that you won't call me dabbu again."

Ananya- "I don't remember any promise. now go and bring these things."

Debu- "you are the karigaar pari. you can bring these items with a snap of your finger. why do you want me to go?"

Ananya- "first, it's you who keep telling us that we should not use magic for personal works. 2nd, for you I dropped my kulfi, 3rd, I am in a 'good' mood now. bring all these before I change my mind and you need to work more. "

Debu- (talking to himself but loud enough so ananya can hear) "she has become rani pari but still so lazy. can't do her own work, wants it to be done by someone else. huh..."

Ananya- (she heard it all) "Dabbbuuuuu" (attempts to beat him)

Debu- "going going"

Time Skip

Leaves are flying, wind is blowing violently, due to dust covering everything, visions reduced to the minimum. The environment of earth was now like this. people were running back into their houses. They knew a typhon is coming up but didn't know the severity.

At veerlok fairies were gathered around rani pari.

Vayu pari- "Rani pari, we need to increase our powers. This situation can't be controlled with our present powers. "

Dhwani pari- "Please tell us where you have kept the device that you made."

Ananya- "I haven't taken the device, it should be at its previous place only. "

Pani pari- "But we can't find it there. So we thought you must have kept it safely somewhere else."

Ananya- "No guys. I haven't displaced the device. It was at the garden as always and under shaurya's maintenance. I think we should ask shaurya. Maybe he changed its place. "

Jwala pari- "Where will we get shaurya? he is not seen from last three days. "

Ananya- "don't you guys worry. we will figure something out. But we can't waste more time searching the device as its already very late taming down the situation." (ananya said looking at the display where earth's situation was showing. it was devastating.)


Ritwika- "I have a little gift for you our new new Rani pari." Birba- "Can't wait to give them our present. I am too much excited. "Ritwika- "keep calm. it's gonna happen soon. " (she gave one of her nasty smirk)



How have you all been? 

This story completed 1 year and I was not there to celebrate it, what an irony. 

I know due to my sudden disappearance after each part, this story is getting irrelevant . Also I can see many accounts leaving wattpad. I feel sad to see them go. 

But with time more people will leave and I won't be able to do anything. This is life. I need to accept this. Then why it's so hard to accept?

I wish every person reading my story to stay Happy, Healthy both physically and mentally.

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