^Chapter 9^

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There is nothing called a Full-proof plan, as there is always a chance to ruin it.

Baalveers and fairies had caught Ritwika and thought that she was enough for them to gain information. They neglected Birba who was out there free to make another devious plan to win over them. Here in veerlok, they were discussing how to make Ritwika free of evil powers and make her good. They even considered taking her in as a fairy because of her knowledge. And on the other hand, Birba got to know that Ritwika is caught and already started preparing for her rescue.

Baalveer was thinking if he fights with Ritwika as a warrior, like she challenged him, maybe he would get a chance to make her a good person. By defeating her, he would show that evil can never win over good and thus make her realise her mistake. Ananya was thinking if it was a good idea to make her part of veerlok, as an evil like her can never turn totally good according to her. Vivaan was okay with the decisions shaurya made, as he trusted shaurya blindly just like his mentor Baalveer.

 Other fairies were discussing among themselves about the possibilities of this decision. Ananya went there and thought to share her fears regarding this. To her surprise no one agreed to her. They think that if one person is turned good by veerlok powers, they will remain good forever. they believed in the power of positivity. In fact they asked Ananya not to worry unnecessarily as shaurya would always guide them to the right path.

In Shinkai, Birba was ready with her plan. She untied Tauba Tauba and told him to guard the place for sometime. Then she made a portal to enter veerlok. It was easy for her than she thought it was initially. As she had already once travelled like this, she had some elements left from that place which helped her remake the portal in less time. 

(Shaurya didn't clean up the mess properly after bambaal fled away. due to baalveer's supposed death. so there were traces of shinkai retained theere which helped birba and made her work easy to intrude. ) 

She entered the portal and reached veerlok. She saw the battle ground where she spent last time with Bambaal Shri. When they tried to save him for the last time, but unfortunately Baalveer also entered the portal and killed him. It was really shocking and heart breaking for both Ray and Birba. Bambaal was their Guru, he earned so much respect from them, they learned so many things from him. But one thing they had to do, save him, in which they failed. They started hating themselves for this. Ray even went on teaming up with Bhaymar and Timnasa for revenge. But Timnasa outsmarted him.

But still Birba didn't back off. She went on to find Ritwika as Bambaal told her before death. She found Ritwika and explained her everything. Told her how brutal were baalveer and veerlok residents to her dear father. Made her against them. Then together they attacked on dharti lok. Now if Ritwika is captured, their plan to take revenge will be incomplete. and she doesn't want to loose like Ray. Though she still expected Ray to come back one day and fulfil his duty towards bambaal, for whom he was breathing today. 

Birba reminded herself that it wasn't time for nostalgia but action. She made herself invisible and started to go for veerlok jail escaping obstacles for outsiders, as she could only hide her from people's eyes but any device will detect her body. She reached the place where Ritwika was kept. Till now no one suspected anything. Seems like no one cared if Ritwika tries to run away, but why?

She got her answers soon. Ritwika was not in her senses. She was as if under some spell. Going near her, Birba could smell the truth serum that she was given forcefully. Now Birba was a little worried, she didn't plan this. What if Ritwika tells everyone that she is here? She couldn't take risk, so did what she thought was right to do at that moment. 

Birba made her smell something strong which totally made her unconscious. Now Birba proceeded with her plan. She took Ritwika with her to the portal. it was hard to drag her and also escaping the traps at the same time. Though she already made both of them invisible, it was still not a perfect plan. (shaurya thought ritwika wasn't in a position to run away. so her security wasn't very tight.) 

When Birba was just about 5 feet away from the portal, the emergency alarm rang loudly. This make all residents of veerlok aware that Ritwika was not in her rightful place. Within seconds everyone reached the battle ground. They were all shocked to see Birba there, as they had over confident on their new protection, which was impossible to break according to them. 

Birba didn't waste this chance, threw Ritwika and then jumped herself into the portal before they could attack her. Baalveer and others dumbfoundedly watched them go away before they could stop them. Not that they tried to, but they were still a little far from them than they were from the portal. As they couldn't directly come to the portal because it was hidden, this made them late to catch her. Birba not only escaped but took Ritwika with her also. Ruining their chance to make her a good person.

After landing to Shinkai, Birba felt her heartbeat raised. It was a narrow escape. She was also astonished to realize that they were automatically visible to them as soon as the alarm rang. Birba thought that veerlok would get to know after she would leave, and curse themselves thinking who could have had courage to do this. 

Nevermind, she got what she wanted, bring back Ritwika. Now she needed to shift her from there also as Baalveer knows Shinkai very well and can come anytime to check. Baalveer, who was actually going to check the place was stopped by Ananya, as she believed Birba would not go to Shinkai or any known place right now. They must be escaping till they increase their powers again. 

After this incident it was evident that veerlok was over confident this time and needed to always look-out for unforeseen dangers. Ananya was going through a self blame session, thinking all these happened because of her. She was the one giving them ideas, she should have been more careful about this. Somehow Baalveer got to know about this or maybe he guessed what was going on in her mind.

Baalveer- "Ananya, stop blaming yourself for whatever happened here. We all were at fault, so you needn't to put the blame on yourself."

Ananya- "Why Baalveer? don't you find me responsible for the mishap happened here? I think everyone else does, I should have been more careful and should not have been talking too much."

Baalveer- "No one holds you responsible here, I am sure. This has happened before also. and it's our failure that this could happen again. Now it's not the time for self blaming, rather think how can we learn from this mistake, so that this will not repeat ever."

Ananya- "I hope you are right Baalveer about no one blaming me for this. And of course we have to work on how to rectify our mistake. First let's put a stronger protection shield on veerlok. Then I will go and inquiry personally about what exactly happened here."

Baalveer- "about the protection shield, that Shaurya can handle alone🙄. Now let me accompany you to investigate about what happened some time back."😊

Ananya couldn't ask for more🥰, Baalveer himself offered to accompany her. Not just he made her feel relieved about the situation, he also wants to be with her through this. She got absolutely overwhelmed by all this.

1300++ words 


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