^Chapter 10^

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Debanya were inspecting the area where Ritwika was kept. while strolling there, suddenly ananya fell into a trap kept for foreign intruders. she was about to fall but baalveer came and saved her from falling. They shared a short but cute eye-lock. Which was broke when th trap self-destructed itself. they also realized that the trap didn't work properly. because it shouldn't have detected ananya as an outsider. It was already a long time ananya became a fairy.

After searching the whole area they didn't find any weapon or other clue. So they decided to watch the recording of this place, which was captured automatically by their magical device. In veerlok everything is under supervision. But this time they were a little too much overconfident that no outsiders can enter Veerlok without their knowledge. But people do learn from their mistakes right?

All residents of veerlok watched what happened after Birba came there in the recording.

Shaurya- "We did a mistake, a huge one this time. But we can't blame anyone particularly as we all were involved. Now it would be wise to think of how to stop Shinkai villains. Because after this incident, capturing them is going to be next to impossible."

Vivaan- "Shaurya, I am still confused about one thing. How could Birba make a portal here so easily? after so much protection?"

Shaurya- "I guess from the last time, when they took Bambaal from here, they had also made a similar kind of portal. This is just a remake of the same. we should have been more careful about this. But don't worry. I will surely fix it this time. But for now we need to focus on Shinkai, they can attack again anytime. And this time on earth, as they don't have powers, it's their easy target."

Baalveer- "Right now I can't think of what to do next. We can't even attack shinaki. As we don't exactly know where they are and attacking whole Shinkai is not possible. Their are more residents there who are unware of these villains and are innocent, we can't let them get harmed."

Vayu pari- "Isn't there any way to find there whereabouts? They get to know about us so easily, then why is it so difficult for us?"

Dhwani pari- "I think our powers are still limited, that's why"

Pani pari- "But we increased our power. We can increase it again if needed, can't we?"

Jwala pari- "I don't think we can increase our powers any time soon. even last time it took us so many days to complete all the rituals." 

Among all this discussions, one person was still silent, Ananya. 

Baalveer- "Won't you say anything, Ananya?"

Ananya- A little hesitated "I was thinking, if we can't be sure of our powers against them, we should have some backup. If anyhow they attack on earth and we fail to manage the situation there, for saving people's lives we must transfer them. There should be a place where we could be sure that it's totally safe for the time bring. We have to either search such a place or make a new one."

Baalveer- "Veerlok was once such a place which you are talking about. But after recent few incidents we can't really call it the safest place now." he  said sadly. 

Shaurya- "I can assure you, Baalveer, it will take time but I will again develop this Veerlok the safest refuge for all."

Baalveer- "We trust you on that Shaurya. But what about our powers? we increase our powers but then somehow they also increase their powers and become more powerful than us. Isn't there any source for us to collect powers?"

Shaurya- "We can only get powers given by pari tara."

Ananya- "What about the powers we used already, can't we recycle them? Like when we get into any war, with Timnasa or other villains, both of the parties use a huge amount of powers. which gets wasted during the fight. Is there any way to reuse them Shaurya?"

Shaurya- "I am not sure. Because we still don't have such devices which can recycle powers. But if there is one, we can think of recycling."

Ananya- "May I try making this kind of device?"

Shaurya- "Ananya is a Karigar pari, we are still to know how much powers she possess or extent of her powers. as she had never tried this before, we didn't get a chance to analyse this. I would suggest Ananya to work on her powers and see if she can give a new dimension to them."

Baalveer was very proud of Ananya seeing her coming back from her guilt trip and spontaneously taking part in discussions. He believes in her and knows that she is capable of giving innovative ideas.

Vivaan- "It will be really great if you can make such device Didi. But how will you know if you have more powers hidden or not? I mean till now there wasn't any event which hinted you having more powers than what you have now."

Baalveer- "Vivaan, for that Ananya has to study the Pari Kitab."

Ananya- "Pari Kitab? what is that? Hearing this name for the first time."

Pani pari- "It's the book which all fairies must read. we all have already studied it during our training phase."

Ananya- "What? Fairies have to study as well?" She started panicking.

Dhwani pari- "Yes Ananya. Usually we fairies read it during our pari training. But as you didn't get the chance of training earlier, you can read the book now."

Shaurya roared and an ancient looking book came there flying. It was very big in size and Ananya almost fainted seeing it.

Shaurya- "This is the Pari Kitab which Balveer mentioned. It is written thousands of years ago and has answers to all your questions. Everything about fairies is written here. Fairies need to study this wholly before attaining their powers. But Ananya has already using her powers well without reading this book. I believe she will do much better after reading the contents here. Ananya, you have to stay here for few days and finish reading this. Do as per written in the book and you will surely discover you hidden abilities. Till then you can't go back to dhartilok."

Ananya was shocked to know she can't return till she finishes reading this huge book. She thought anyhow she need to finish this as soon as possible and return to her mother. Oh. did I mention Ananya was never a fan of books. She loves to read story books but not academic books and this was kind of an academic book.

Ananya took the book with her and left from there. Other fairies went to fulfil their regular duties on veerlok. Shaurya went to start preparing for the new shield and also about improving the security system of veerlok. Baalveer and Vivaan left for dhartilok and waited for Shinkai villains to make any move.

1100+ words 

Okay this might be the last chapter for now. I am currently in writer's block and this was the last chapter on draft. Now I don't know when will I be able to write again. Sorry everyone.😭

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