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"Oi Jasper!" Aries yells, her mouth full of chicken quesadillas from Taco Bell. "Why don't you sleep over at our house today"

"I have to watch the house until my ma gets back but I can come over-"

"Come on what's one night" she leans into the front seat.

"Stop bugging him" I roll my eyes at her as I pick up his drink. "And close your mouth when you're eating"

"I'm trying to help you out" she hits my arm as I take a sip. "Papa and Dad are going out to some fancy hotel, November is spending the night with her friends, and I'm going to Danielle's house. You'll have the whole place to yourself" she winks at us.

"You're coming to my house?" Danielle asks her with a confused look on her face.

"Yea, we've been planning it all day" Aries turns to her, trying to give her some kind of signal.

"We never talked about- what are you-" Aries proceeds to start shoving food into Danielle's mouth.

"You said you wanted more food?" Aries coos at her as she tries to turn away from the food. "You should've told me, I would've shared with you sooner" she says as she forces another quesadilla into her mouth.

"If everyone is going to be gone why should he come over" I glance at him to see him sitting there with his mouth open. "I could just go to his place like usual"

"Well we need someone to watch the house" she shrugs as she opens her last thing of quesadillas.

"His parents aren't home either ya know" I say referring to the reason his mom isn't home this week. "Who's gonna watch his house"

"I told dad you'd be stay home tonight so I could go out with Danielle" she blurts out in anger.

"You literally could have had Danielle come over why involve me for no reas-"

Jasper's hand comes up to my chin, guiding my face so that I'm looking at him. He glances down at my lips and smirks at me. He uses thumb to pull my bottom lip away from my top lip then shoves a cheesecake bite from del taco into my mouth. I glance down at it before taking a bite into the tasty treat. He takes the remaining bit and pops it into my mouth then lets go of my chin.

"Yea we can go to his house for a night it'll be fine" he says as he dusts off his hands. "Besides we could use a change in scenery" he winks at me.

"Ohio I don't even have to look up there to know you have a hard on for him right now" Aries chuckles, sitting back in her seat.


"It's been a while since I've been in here" Jasper says all nostalgic like as he stares at my living room.

I roll my eyes about to tease him but Papa's head pops out from the kitchen. I quickly push Jasper over to the stairs at a sorry attempt to get him up to my room but two things are wrong with this. One, Papa will not miss the chance to talk to his children's significant others even if he was in the middle of burning some food. And two, Jasper loves to carry out conversation with my parents because if he doesn't he feels like he's being disrespectful.

"Jasper!" We both turn around to see Papa standing behind us with a big smile on his face.

"Hello Mr. Thomson, it's been a while hasn't it" Jasper shakes his hand with a smile.

"Ohio never wants to bring you home anymore" he glares at me a little. "And please call me Papa. No need to keep calling me Mr. Thomson when you're my son-in-law" they break the hand shake as he laughs.

"Oh Mr. Tho- Papa, Ohio and I aren't engaged yet" Jasper interlocks our hands to show him my ring finger.

Papa's smile somehow grows as he tries to compose himself. He turns away from us and screeches silently before turning back and clearing his throat. He takes a deep breath and wipes a tear from his eye.

"So I expect you'll stay here with Ohio tonight, wouldn't want him home all by his lonesome" Papa starts petting my head.

"Only if it alright with you" Jasper says with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Of course, of course! I'll be sure to leave some dinner in the fridge for you two" grins at the two of us.

"And what about Dad" he asks, referring to my dad as 'dad'. "I doubt he would like me spending the night over here. I know he hates how much time Ohio spends being at my house" he lets out a nervous laugh, peaking around the corner looking for dad who's luckily nowhere in sight.

"Don't worry about him, if he gives you any issues send him my way" Papa's smile becomes sinister. "We'll see who's threatening who's well-being" he says through that smile.

"Well Papa this was a nice chat but Jasper and I better be heading up now. We've got some homework to get started on" I butt in before things turn down a dark path.

"Okay you kids have fun now" he waves at us as he disappears around the corner.

"Next time I push you up the stairs, don't run. You better fly up so fast you break the sound barrier" I whisper to him as I pull him up the steps. "And don't feed into my Papa's fantasies of us being engaged he's already expecting us to adopt next year" I roll my eyes.

"We don't have to adopt next year we can always wait until I get us a nice big home, which honestly won't take long" he says as we enter my room.

"And how long would that take" I ask him jokingly.

"My aunt is actually a real estate agent and I'm sure she could find us a nice and cozy spot over looking a lake in at least 4 or 5 months. I noticed how you look at the lake under the bridge as we drive on the backroads. You get all giddy as soon as you see the trees part and-"

"Be quiet" I throw my bag at him and cover my face.

Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now