((I left all the characters the same because I didn't think it'd be right to mess up the image you guys already have of them))
Ohio Thomson-17
-November and Aries's brotherNovember Thomson
-Ohio And Aries sisterAires Thomson
-November and Ohio sisterDanielle Green
-Only childHenry Locks
-Only childApril Smith
-4 ft (I changed it from 3'9 to 4ft because that was a little too short)
-Has no kidsJune Thomson
-Married to Leo
-Has 3 kidsLeo Thomson
-Married to June
-Has 3 kidsAddison Green
-Married to Violet
-Has 1 kidViolet Green
-Married to Addison
-Has 1 kid
Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSE
RomanceOhio's life was nothing special to him, being adopted by two gay men, suddenly having two older sisters who are also adopted, and a somewhat sketchy aunt. Even with this being the case, him and his new family mush together like it was met to be. Not...