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I quickly get up from the couch, only making it worse. The ice cream starts to dripping down my dress and onto the floor. Luck for me, it's a hardwood floor. I look around for something to wipe my dress but nothing catches my eye.

"I'm sorry!" I look down at Jasper and he quickly gets up about to say something but I cut him off. "Oh gosh! I'll get this up- I'm sorry!" I rush past him, into the hall and up the stairs.

Once up there, I walk past a couple of doors until I get a peak into Jaspers room, from there I enter the bathroom he showed me to last time. But by that time the ice cream had fully soaked into my dress. I lift my dress and put it into the sink and turn on the water. I stand up on my tippy toes trying to wash off the ice cream that was further up on the dress. I groan in annoyance from not being able to reach all the way so I pull off the whole dress and push it under the water. I pull it up a little to see that it had started to stain.

Why the hell isn't it coming up? Sure it took me a minuet to find the bathroom but I didn't take that long. Unless Jasper and I had been kissing for that long... we couldn't have! It had to have been the ice cream! What kind of ice cream was it? It was dark but didn't taste anything like chocolate. Chocolate would've come up easier, I'm sure of it-

"Sorry it took so long to get you a towel, they were-"

I turn towards the door to see Jasper standing there holding a towel. The towel falls from his hands as he stands quietly for a moment. He grabs the towel up from the floor and holds it out to me, his free hand now over his eyes.

"You shouldn't be sorry, you wouldn't have had to get the towel had I not.." my mind goes back to our kiss causing me to begin roughly scrubbing my dress. "What about the towels" I mumble trying to quickly change the subject.

"I-I was looking for a red towel- I mean not a red towel in general. It could have been blue, orange, yellow, p-pink" he says quickly. "But they were all in the drier- I don't know why but they all were" he forces out a laugh.

I turn towards him with the intent to meet his eyes but his hand is over them, "Why are you covering you're eyes? Is there something on my-" I look at the mirror to see I'm only in underwear.

Not just any underwear. Female's underwear. Red female's underwear. Oh and it doesn't stop there. It's laced. Damn near the whole thing is laced. It looks like a damn thong, because it is. My reasoning for wearing these? They were the first pare I saw and I kinda wanted to try them out.

I quickly grab the towel from his hands and wrap it around myself. Just as I was about to shut him out of the bathroom, due to the embarrassment, I notice my feet began feeling wet. I look down to see I'm standing in a puddle, luckily I can confirm it's not pee. The water is dripping down from the sink.

"Oh shit! Jasper grab another towel!" I pull his hand down from his eyes then turn off the sink.

"Crap!" he enters the bathroom with no regards to getting his socks wet and pulls the dress out of the sink. "Sorry about your dress.. and for this night being a mess" he starts laughing as he squeezes the water out from the dress causing me to laugh along with him.

"Jasper- oop.." both of our heads shoot over to the door to see his mom standing in the doorway. She looks at him then looked at me and a smirk slowly slides across her face, "Ohhhh I see...I'm sorry for disturbing you two. He has the same genes as his dad if you catch my drift" she whispers loudly to me with a wink.

"Ma!" Jasper yells trying to drown out her words but it's too late

"I'm just saying!" she puts her hands up surrender as she walks away.

The two of us stand there for a couple of seconds. I look into the mirror, thinking I'd be better if I didn't look at him directly. Nope. He's already looking at me but he quickly breaks eye contact with me, giving his attention back to my dress.

"I-I'll go get you something to change into.. and throw this in the dryer" he rushes out of the bathroom with my dress in his arms.


"Thank you again for tonight" I smile at him as he opens his car door for me.

"Tonight was a total mess, stop thanking me already" He laughs.

"But it was a good mess" I get out and lean against the side of his car. "Thanks for the hoodie and the shorts" I lift up my arms referring to to a bright colored tie dye hoodie and basketball shorts he had given me back at his house.

"I said to stop thanking me" he leans on the car next to me.

"D-don't tell anyone about my uhh... ya know" I say as I begin fiddling with my fingers.

"Our kiss? The red lingerie you wore to my house? What my mom told you while you were half naked in the bathroom with me" he ducks his head down to look me in the eyes.

"I feel like I'm being attacked right now" I burst out laughing as I push him slightly before walking over to the front door.

"Well here's your dress" he hands me a bag containing my now stained dress. "Promise you'll call me" says before I could reach out for the front door.

"Yea, why wouldn't I-"

He gently cups my face and pushes his lips into mine softly. I stand there like an idiot for a second before happily kissing him back. He slowly pulls away and lets his hands slide down to mine.

Short but sweet.

"Alright alright you two break it up! Gimme my brother, Mr. Right" November pries us away from each other, pushing me into Aries' arms.

"Good night Jasper" she sends him off with a smirk. 

"Good night November! Good night Aries! Good night Ohio!" He blows a kiss to me as he walks backwards to his car.

November slams the door and slowly turns to me. Aires lets me go and puts her hands on her hips as if she were waiting for some kind of answer to a question she never asked me. Just then papa and dad peak into the living room.

"What happened to the dress you wore?" Papa comes all the way into the living room and takes the bag from me.

"I-I got ice cream on it" I scratch my head.

"Where'd the hoodie come from.. and why were you wearing a dress?" dad asks being the only one oblivious to my whereabouts of the night.

"Jasper gave it to me" I say quickly hoping he didn't hear me but he twitches a little.

"Did you guys do anything while you were undressed" Aries smirks at me.

"N-no!" I turn to her.

"Yea because you two had time to be disgusting all over our porch. If he's gonna kiss you he could have at least had enough backbone to add some tongue but no, you two wanna peck each other's lips and hold hands like people in love" November rolls her eyes. 

"He what now on my porch with my son?" dad turns to November.

"He's such a sweet boy" papa forgets about my dress and goes to coo at jasper's actions. 

"Gee golly will you look at the time" I look at my wrist, void of a watch. "Nighty night night everyone" I rush past my sisters and up the stairs, ignoring my parents calling after me.

Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now