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I turn around pretty quickly about to run off but he grabs my hood and yanks me back onto the wall. I pull the bags up between us and turn away has he gets close to me.

"Maybe after I'm done with you you'll know not to threaten me again" he whispers to me.

Someone comes out the store staring at us and he pulls me off the wall. He roughly wraps his arm around me and pulls me down the street.

"Let go Henry" I grunt trying to break away from him.

"Ya know your kinda cute when you're angry" he laughs looking down at me.

"Let go you psycho!" I start yelling but he quickly puts his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up!" He hisses at me.

He slowly moves his hand away then keeps walking. I stay quiet and walk with him down for a while. I catch him smirking from the corner of my eye but ignore it anyways.

He thinks just cuz I'm in a damn skirt he can get the jump on me or something. He's gonna slip up and when he does I'm gonna beat his ass and run.

Suddenly we're walking up to a house and he's pulling something out from his pocket. I shove him off, leaving my bags in the grass. I start run off the porch and me quickly runs after me. He catches my waist and pulls us both to the ground. He turns me over trying to grab my hands but I start kicking and hitting him. He huffs and gets a hold of my hair then pulls himself up. I scratch his hands and try and pull him back down but he drags me over to the door. He quickly unlocks it and pulls me up the stairs into a room, I'm assuming is his. He lets go of my hair and kicks me until I'm up against the bottom of his bed.

"Aww is the baby crying" he says as he closes and locks the door.

((Trigger Warning))

I bite down on my lip not ready to talk yet in fear of my voice cracking. I curl up into a ball rubbing my head as tears roll down my thighs. Without warning he yanks me onto the bed by my hood like some rag doll. Meanwhile he's just standing over me with this annoying ass smirk on his face. I shoot up and punch him on his cheek tackling him down. My other fist comes up and then down onto his face. I ready my fist but he quickly grabs it and then grabs the other one switching our positions. Him on top holding my hands above my head while I'm under him trying to hold back tears that fall anyways.

"W-what the hell is your issue?" I go limp glaring at him through the tears.

"I hadn't had a girl in a while and even though you're not a girl.." he lifts my skirt a little. "You'll do" he shrugs.

"Why don't you just call up one of those bitches in your- what are you doing!" I yell, locking my knees together but not quick enough.

"You wear panties? You're just full of surprises today aren't you?" He winks as he holds my underwear up to examine them.

"Give them back" I get one of my hands lose and grab out for them.

He drops them onto my stomach and quickly forces my hands back down. I start kicking and trying to pull my hands away from him. He just sits there watching me until I gave up.

"You done yet..cuz you're getting annoying" he sighs" How about this. If you let me do you then I'll give them back" he said simply.

"Fuck you" I snarl at him.

He rolls his eyes and pulls his phone out from his back pocket. He taps on it for a second before it flashes in front of me. I close my eyes and turn away as the flashing continues a couple more times then I feel my skirt start to be lifted.

"Stop ! Stop it please!" I start kicking again and he smirks at me as he lets go of my skirt.

"Let me put it this way" he whispers. "You can't either let me do you then leave or.." he opens his camera roll and shows me pictures of myself, luckily none of them were that revealing. "I'll send this out to the whole school.. I don't wanna do this but you're forcing my hand here" he mocks me.

I gulp as tears start to form in my eyes. I bite down on my lip to keep from making noise as he looks down at me with a bored expression. He gets off of me rolling his eyes and tapping on his phone quickly.

"Okay okay!" I quickly get up pulling at his pants leg.

"I knew you'd come around" he smiles as he quickly goes in for a kiss.

I pull away right before it happens and he stops. "You'll delete the pictures right after?" I ask.

"Of course.. I'll even let you delete them yourself"


Everything, in the rest of this chapter, past this point is responding to a comment I got a while ago from a know it all. You can choose to read it or skip on to the next chapter but I just wanted to address it.

I am aware this isn't consensual and I know what consent is. I wrote this book a long ass time ago so my writing isn't as good as it is now, which is why I'm editing it.

At the time I made all my characters were high schoolers because one, I was about to be in high school in like a year or two (I'm in high school now) and it didn't make since in my mind to write about adults when I couldn't even think like one. Two, I couldn't comprehend something not taking up 8 hours of someone's day and to be honest I still can't.

Lastly and most importantly Henry's character does these things so you as a reader can hate him. I'm not doing this for you to love him. If I wanted you to love him he wouldn't be such a dick. Don't tell my how to run the villain in my story.

Again this wasn't directed towards anyone or the person who made the comment I just wanted to address the issue.

Enjoy the rest of the book<3

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