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We continue on kissing as he struggles to get his own pants off. He sits up with me on his lap and I immediately start grinding against him again. And boy oh boy is he big, if you catch my drift. We break the kiss so he can pull my tie dye hoodie, that he use to own, off of me and throws it across the room somewhere. I bite my lip and pull of his shirt in return.

"You're so beautiful you know that" he whispers to me as he lays me back onto his pillows.

I cover my face in embarrassment causing him to laugh. I peak through my fingers to see him climbing on top of me. He gently pulls my hands away from my face then pecks my lips. He starts running his hand up and down my dick through my underwear. I quickly put my hand over my mouth to keep from making too much noise only for him to start kissing my neck.

"Don't do that.. I wanna hear you" he whispers to me as he pulls my hand away from my mouth.

"But what about-" his hand suddenly plunges into my panties and begins stroking me causing me to let out a breathy moan.

I rest my head on his shoulder as he speeds up a little. I dig my nails into his back to keep my hands from flying to my mouth. I continue to let out breathy moans, letting him watch me fall apart in his lap. He pulls my underwear off then slips one of his fingers in my butt causing me to bite down on his neck.

"You're doing so good for me baby" he whispers as he rubs his thumb over my tip, making me squirm.

"Jas- Jasp- I'm gonna-" I whine only making him speed up.

In a matter of seconds my cum is dripping down his hand and I'm a mess. Twitching and my breath hitching every other second. He pushes another finger in as he pulls down his underwear with his now free hand. I look down and my jaw drops immediately.

Henry who? Jasper is about to tare my ass to shreds. He's a year younger than me but it sure as hell doesn't look like it. This man is about to make me his bitch. And to be honest, I'm here for it.

"Jasper you gotta be fucking kidding me" I say in astonishment.

"That's why I'm prepping you" he chuckles, pushing another finger in causing me to jerk.

((The smut scene ends here :) I know it ended a different way than how it is right now but since I'm editing and adding more chapters I figured: why not change it since this is technically no longer the last chapter/ending of the book.))

"Jasper honey dinner is dow-" our head both shoot over to the door to see Jasper's mother in the doorway with a mortified face. "Oh my gosh my eyes! My eyes!" She wastes not time slamming the door, her mumbled voice getting softer the further away she gets.


"It's okay baby" I say as I pet Jasper's head.

"My damn mom saw us" his head in my thighs, voice muffled and coming out between weeps.

"I know I know but she's gone now" I cringe a little thinking about it.

"She left a damn note saying she'd be gone for the rest of the week and left a 24 pack of condoms next to it" he picks his head up to look at me. "You're only saying this because you can avoid seeing her while I.. I!" He screams into the thighs.

"That's why I'm saying it's okay, because I don't have to be here when she gets back" I shush him sweetly. "In fact I think I'll be avoiding her for the rest of my natural life. There is no coming back from that"

After his mom ran out of the room we got dressed as fast as we could. He only threw on some shorts while I threw on the tie dye hoodie then spent time looking for some bottoms to put on, I ended up finding some sweat pants in the corner. By the time we got out of the room she had already put Saran Wrap over our plates, packed herself a vacation bag, written a note, us a pack of condoms, and drove off somewhere. It couldn't have taken us longer than five minutes to get out of the room but yet and still everything she did was done so neatly I started to think she had this planned out since this morning.

We've been downstairs for a good hour since she left. Jasper for some reason couldn't believe she left as quick as she did so he checked her room again. I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands thinking about what just happened. Just as I was about to start whining Jasper came back into the living room, got on his knees in front of me and proceeded to cry into my thighs. I tried to calm him down three times now but if I let it get to quiet he starts to think about what happened.

To be honest it's taking a lot for me to be the calm one right now but I have to keep thinking that he had it worse. His mom walked in. So for now i have to be the strong one for him. I'll be sure to cry to Danielle about this later.

"I'm gonna have to move out way earlier than planned" his crying turns into some kind of distorted noises.

"If you want you could stay at my place when she gets back" I pull his hair away from his eyes so I can see his face better.

"I would but your dad would probably have me sleeping in the backyard like a dog" he lets out a laugh as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Oh like you wouldn't love barking for me" I roll my eyes at him.

His mouth drops open and he stares at me in disbelief for a while before finally saying something, "I don't even know how to respond to that"

Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now