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Once the package arrives I hurriedly bring it to my room. Aries of course bursts into my room as soon as I shut the door. I roll my eyes as she quickly goes through the box and takes what she wants then leaves. Luckily aunt April put the under at the bottom of the box instead of somewhere in the middle.

I quickly strip down and pull out some black socks with white hearts on them, a white skirt, a black hoodie with checkered sleeves, and a white flower crown. I got dressed the checked myself out in the mirror.

Still looking like a snack I see.

I grab an empty bag and put some of the outfits from the box inside. I put my toothbrush into a baggy then shove it in the bag with my clothes and zip it up. I sling the bag onto my back wobbling a little before I bounce down the stairs and over to the front door.

"Where do you think your going dressed like that" dad quickly put his foot in front of the door.

"I said he could go to Danielle's house and sleep over yesterday" Papa walks over, hitting dad on his head with a spoon.

"Not like this! Do you see how short this skirt is? I know we live in a neighborhood with old people but they still have eyes" dad rubs his head pouting.

"What do you want him to do, wrap a trench coat around his waist?" papa suggests jokingly.

"Yes- actually he needs to wear sweatpants under it too" dad points to my legs.

"Then go get him some" papa pushes dad towards the stairs. "Hurry and go before he gets back down here" he whispers to me as he opens the door.

"Love you" I kiss his cheek. "Love you dad!" I yell up the stairs with a grin before running out the door.

"Bye gremlin" Aries yells from the front door as November waves at me.

I run half way down the block then stop to take a breath for a second. I hop back up and continue on the path to Danielle's house, which didn't take as long as I thought it would.

I knock on the door and it's immediately opened before my hand can even touch the door a second time. "Hello Ms. Addison" I she lets me in as I greet her.

"Hey kiddo, Danielle's in her room right now, probably sleeping, but you can just head on up there." she says as she closes the door then disappears into the kitchen.

"Breakfast in 20" Ms. Violet waves at me from the couch.

"Hello Ms. Violet, I see your still a woman of few words" I flash her a smile as I skip up the upstairs.

I open the door to Danielle's room, tip toeing in and closing the door behind myself. I drop my bag down onto her beanbag chair then pull myself onto her nightstand. I try and stand as still as possible as it threatens to fall.

"Get up the plane is crashing!" I yell before jumping off the nightstand and crashing onto her stomach.

She quickly gets up coughing and trying to catch her breath. I burst out laughing at how red her face becomes as she continues coughing. She finally calms down as I roll off her.

"You could have killed me!" She yells putting her hand over her chest.  "...and since when have you started wearing laced panties" she pulls the end of my underwear up then lets go, causing it to pop my butt.

"Watch it" I bite down on my lip as I rub my butt.

"Eww you liked that" she says playfully pushing my shoulder.

"I mean, it did feel kinda good.. and I'm not gonna say I don't wanna feel it again" I tease her.

"Weirdo" she gets off the bed and pulls some clothes out of her drawer.

I push my bag off to the side and sit on the bean bag. She throws her clothes onto her bed as I pull out my phone. Through the corner of my eye I catch her taking off her shirt. I freeze keeping my eyes on the screen thinking she would stop but she didn't. Her shirt landed on my leg not a second later.

"Aren't you gonna change somewhere else" I ask as I fold her shirt up and throw it onto her bed.

"Should I be?" Her pants land on my head.

I'm fold the pants then bring that and this shirt over to her closet. "Because I'm a guy" I drop her clothes in some basket I'm hoping was her dirty clothes.

"I thought you liked other guys" she says as I hear her jumping up and down repeatedly.

"No! ...Maybe? I don't know!" I cover my eyes, making my way over to her bed falling face first on the matches. "Maybe I want someone to slap my thighs and let me call them daddy. Maybe I want someone to hit me from the b-"

"Okay! Okay! I get it.. lil horny freaky fuck" she cringes. "And you can look now" I turn around to see her still not wearing a shirt and making a stupid face.

I quickly throw a pillow at her and turn back around hearing her laugh ring out in the room. "What do you wanna do today cuz I'm leaving tomorrow" I pull my phone out and start playing some random game.

"Hmmm we could walk around town" she suggests.

"Fine but let's stay on the outskirts. I don't want people-"

"To bully you yea I know I know" she interrupts as she plops down in front of me fully dressed.

"No. I don't want people to catch feelings over how good I look" We both break out into laughter as Ms. Violet walks in.

"Breakfast is ready" she says then quickly leaves the room.

"She always says so much" Danielle smiles as she put her hands over her heart.

"I bets she says more in the bedroom" I wink elbowing her.

"She actually does...the walls are deadly thin" she says as she wipes a fake tear from her face.

"Come on lets go eat. I'm starving" I take her hand and pull her out the room.

"Didn't you eat at your place?" she asks as we bounce down the stairs.

"Nope. I ran right out the door" I giggle.

Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now