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The moon peaking in through the window, lighting up the room a little. The trees dancing outside as the fall wind picks up. Very few clouds in the sky. And the faint sound of something that doesn't belong. Something that is destroying this perfectly peaceful night.

"If your going to squeal every time she moves maybe you shouldn't sleep in her arms" I sit up to look at Danielle.

Aries decided to spoon Danielle in her sleep. As you can tell, I'm not buying it. I gladly took to the beanbag chair when it was time to go to sleep. Not that there would've been room on the bed had I wanted to sleep there. Aries claimed she needed "room to sleep" and I should sleep on the chair. I was okay with it until Danielle started to squeal every 10 seconds.

"C-can you get me a towel?" Danielle says in a Squidward like tone as she sits up a little to show me her pinched nose.

"Wouldn't you rather have a tissue?" I ask pointing over to the box of tissues next to her bed.

"I don't think a tissue would be able to hold this much blood" she says.

I throw the blankets off of myself and get up from the makeshift bed on the floor. I open the door and tip toe down the hall to the closet. I open the door quickly to avoid any squeaking and grab a dark colored towel. I return back to the room and close the door then toss the towel to Danielle. I watch as she lets go of her nose and brings the towel up to her face.

"All this blood and you still get periods" I joke as I settle back onto my "bed".

"Well actually my nose bleeds sadly do no effect on my period. You see the period blood comes from my u-"

"Okay okay! Sorry for bringing it up" I shout over her words. "You need a damn humidifier" I grumble as I pull the blankets over myself.

The room became quiet again once that was out of the way. The night was now peaceful again. So peaceful not even pen dropping could disturb it-

"Do you think if I sneeze into the towel the blood will come out quicker or just make it worse....oh and I'm talking about my nose just incase you didn't know" Danielle's voice whispers into the air.

"Oh my gosh.. get it stop or whatever and then go to sleep please" I whine.

After about 10 minutes I heard some snoring. I smile to myself as I crawl over to the window and slide it open to let in some cool air. I return to my place on the beanbag and pull the blankets back onto myself. I close my eyes and listen to the wind outside hitting the trees. I let out a much needed yawn and move around a little bit before feeling satisfied enough to go to-


My eyes shoot opened causing me to start screaming at the top of my lungs out of anger.. in my head. I let out a sigh as I sit up, looking around the room for my phone. I notice a din light emitting next to the tv on top of the dresser. I quickly get up and grab it then return to place. Again.

New message from:
A good-bad boy🙄❤️🤒

I don't even bother to read it. I just open his contact information and pressed the call button.




"Hello!" he says sounding fully awake.

"It annoys me how you sound so lively at" I whisper to him before moving my phone away from my ear to check the time. "At 2 in the morning"

"Is it to late to call?" He asks.

We both stay completely silent. Him waiting on my response while I'm trying not to yell at him.

"Do you want me to hit you before or after you ask me another stupid question?" I sarcastically.

He suddenly bursts out laughing from the other end of the phone, I hope his walls are sound prof because he's being louder than loud. His laugh sounds even wider awake than he does.

"Not after how you did Freddy, I don't think I even want you to hit me" he barely gets out.

"What are you even doing up this early" I turn onto my back to stair at the roof.

"Well when I got home, after we got done texting, I was bored so I went to sleep" he says simply.

"You go to sleep when your bored" I ask smiling involuntarily as I closed my eyes again.

"No not... sometimes I.. but today.... actually you.. and what he did... keep him away........ Hello? Are.. there? ...Ohio? ..........Goodnight Ohio" his voice cheerful voice fades away.


"Bye Danielle, see you Tomorrow!" I wave to her as Aries and I hop in the car with Papa.

"Hey guys how was it at Danielle's place" Papa asks as he pulls out of their driveway.

"It was actually fun. I didn't think Ohio's friend would be much fun outside of school but she was" Aries grins as she settles into her seat.

"I bet she was" I mutter causing her to hit my arm.

"Do you guys have any plans for the rest of the day?" Papa asks, hesitating a bit.

"I don't know, might just sit around when I get home" Aries yawns a little as she pulls out her phone.

"Can you drop me off at the park, I'm meeting a friend" I ask already knowing his answer.

"Of course! So that means you'll help me clean the house and then remind me to go pick up your sister at 6" he tells Aries.

Aries quickly opens her mouth to say something about it so I pull out my phone. I open my messages with Jasper and stare at the keyboard for a second.

Snow boy😉☃️😂💋: Are you still up for ice cream at the park?

The good bad boy🙄❤️🤒: Always for you

I snicker at his cheesy comment . Aries looks over my shoulder before I can turn off my phone then let's out a dramatic sigh.

"What?" Papa asked.

"Ohio's going to see his new friend again. I was arguing with Danielle about if that guy was gay or not" Aries quickly tells him with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Well is he" Papa asks trying to keep the smile off his face.

"No!" I yell before Aries could say anything more. "What does it even matter, we're just hanging out" I cross my arms.

"No guy ask another guy on a date twice in a row" Aries side eyes me.

"It wasn't a date! We were just eating and talking as friends that's all" I glare at her.

"You two quit fighting... and Ohio text me when you want me to pick you up from your date" Papa giggles as I get out the car.

Dressing like a girl ((boyxboy)) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now