Chapter 6

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Rhydian and I weren't expecting an empty house! The scent lead here but there's nobody...unless they're in the den!

I ran down the steps and down to the den to see it closed as usual. I unlocked it and nobody was in there either. I sniffed and smelled nothing except for my parents scent...but where are they?



"Are my parents car in front of the house?" Rhydian stayed upstairs searching. "No!"

Ok so if the car isn't here then they had gone to the grocery store I guess. But who's scent is it that I'm smelling? It's not Rhdyians' that's for sure.

I headed back upstairs to see Rhydian reading a note. "Whats that?" He showed it to me and it was a list of chores to do. Really. I thought it'd be something about where they went.

"Stinkin' chores, I don't want to do them," I sat on the couch with Rhydian. "I'll help you. I'm here anyways so I might as well help,"

"Oh you don't have to. I can do them,"

"It's alright, I don't mind." I just shrugged my shoulders and let him help. We started off with the kitchen, then living room, then the den and finally the front & backyard.


After 2-3 hours, we finished. We plopped down onto the couch, tiredly. "Thanks for all your help,"

"No problem Mads. But, did you notice that scent?" I perked up. "You smelled it too?"

"Yeah, I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from but I think it lead down to the den." The den? But why would anybody be there? Mom and Dad aren't there unless it's a full moon.

"Do you think...some other wolf blood came here?" I asked.

"I'm not so sure...We'll just have to wait for your parents." I nodded my head. I'm still worried.

It's been 6 hours since Rhydian and I came home and my parents still aren't back yet. Whats the holdup?

"Sorry Mads, but my folks want me home now," I stood up from my same spot on the couch. "Its ok, I'll text you if there's anything up." I lead him to the door and said goodbye.

Once I closed the door shut, somebody came behind me and covered my mouth with a cloth that had liquid on it. Then I blacked out.


I shook it off. What was that! A vision? Before I closed the door, I went outside the house just to make sure.

Nobody was there. Strange. I went back into the house preparing myself for the attack...which did not come.

But then what was that vision I had? I sat on the couch thinking about it, trying to figure out what it meant. Could it mean something in the future that'll happen to me? Or is it happening to my parents but I was just in their place? Ugh! I don't know anymore.

I just went off to bed trying to sleep, which was not successful.

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