Chapter 20

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"So who's Amelia?" Jacob asked me. We were all going to get out of the woods and I'm going to try to find Rhydian and see if he'll help me free my parents. I don't know about the others yet.

"What do you mean?" 

"Are you two related or something?"

"Oh no! She's a total opposite of me, plus don't you think you'd know since you knew me then?"

"True. Well forget what I said," Jacob and I were walking side-by-side in front of Jason and Amelia. I noticed those two hit it off since Jason joined us...which has only been about thirty minutes. Luckily, Jason has a watch. 

"Hey Maddy, can I talk to you?" Amelia came up to me pulling ahead of Jacob so it was just us two. 

"Well you already dragged me away. What's up?"

"What's up with you and Jacob?" I looked back at him and he was talking to Jason, "Nothing."

"You sure? Ever since he showed up, you two are always together." 

"So are you and Jason. Jacob and I aren't even friends, more like acquaintances," Amelia found it weird since she gave me a strange look. I knew she was going to ask me, 'How are you two acquaintances and not friends?' Before she could ask I replied, 

"I know you're going to ask me 'why?' or 'how do you know each other?' well we used to be friends then he did something unforgivable so my family and I got rid of him then he went back here to his home," I made sure Jason wasn't hearing any of this.

"So he kidnapped my parents and I came here with him to get them back but then I became their hostage but I found a way out. Then I ran into Jason and his family then I found you and here I am now." Amelia was soaking all that in, then she did something I wasn't expecting. 

"Jacob! How could you do that? You're a rude and vile person! You shouldn't even be coming with us. Go back to-" Before Amelia could say another word, I covered her mouth. "Sorry, continue your conversation." I dragged Amelia away from the guys.

"Leave it alone. It's not worth it to yell at Jacob. He's a changed person and I can't do anything about it. So don't mention this to Jason either." 

"Okay, but I'm sorry about your parents." 

"Me too. I just hope I can get them back soon," 


What Maddy and Amelia didn't know was that Jacob heard the whole thing. He didn't mean to but he began to after Amelia went off on him. Jacob began to feel bad about himself and what he's done because he misses his old self. 

Being friends with Maddy then and having so much fun. But after all that's happened so far, he can't do anything to change Maddy's opinion about him. 

On the other side of the forest, Jacob's dad is still on his rampage, but this time with his men. "How could you let one weak boy out of your grasp!" 

"We didn't. He fell into a waterfall entrance and we didn't see him come back up after that. So we didn't bother to check if he's alive or not since we all know he can't swim." One of the men said. Jacob's dad didn't really want to see his son dead but after all he's done, he can't give up. 

I'll do something else about Jacob, for now I need to get that girl back before she gets help.


 "Hey Maddy, can we get something to eat? I am starving," Jason asked. We all were hungry but we're still in the woods. Luckily, when I used Eolas I could see that there was a nearby gas station. 

"Don't worry Jason. There's a gas station nearby so we can get some food there,"

"But Maddy, we don't have any money." Amelia said, and she's right. Where are we gonna get the money to buy food?

"Steal." The three of us looked at Jacob. "That's the answer to your thought. We have no money so we're gonna have to steal,"

"No no no, I'm a good girl! I can't be stealing," Amelia said. "A good girl doesn't run away from home when they're little," I added. She knew I had a point so she followed along. 

Once we got to the gas station, it looked warn down a bit, but still in use. We went in and saw it was an old man working, making our work easier. I looked at Jacob and Jason, signaling them to start stealing. While Amelia is outside guarding and I'll be talking to the cashier. 

"Hi sir, could you help me with something?" The old man looked like he was deaf too. Oh this will be too easy, like taking candy from a baby. I turned around to see where the guys were and they had plenty of food. They were about to leave when I saw Jacob's face harden and Jason's face full of surprise. 

He was looking behind me so I turned around as well and I was shocked,

"Hey grandpa, my lunch break is over so I can start working. You go ahead and take a rest, I'll take care of things here,"

My eyes met with a familiar pair of brown eyes, too familiar. 



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