Chapter 8

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School again. Why do we have school on Monday? My weekend was not good, my parents are still missing and Rhydian hasn't talked to me. I went to his house to apologize but he wouldn't accept it. He didn't ruin my life, I ruined my own. 

"Hey stinky girl, where's your best friend to rescue you huh?" The three K's came up to me and started messing with me. I wasn't in the mood for them.

"Yeah, where's your boyfriend?" Katrina said. "They're not dating. If they were then he'd be here...oh no, did you two break up?" Kara said and to follow that up Kay added, "Well it's not surprising. Of course she can't last more than a week with a guy. He just realized she isn't worth dating," 

I stopped walking for a while because they were surrounding me as well as other students. I looked around and saw Rhydian in the back, I thought he'd help me but he just looked away and left. That hurt. After hearing all these insults, I felt my blood begin to boil. I was starting to growl...I tried to hold it back but I can't, they're all messing with me right now and I've had about enough. 

I was about to attack but somebody had dragged me away. So I just hit that person, but no success since the stranger was hugging me so I couldn't move my arms. I looked up and it was the strange guy in all my classes. "Let me go." He did.

I started walking away, this guy is always rescuing me and watching out for me. But why? I don't even know him. I looked back to see him staring at me, I just turned around and ran into the school. I went into one of these abandoned classrooms and just locked myself in there. This is like my 'safe haven' I guess, in this school. Nobody knows about it except me because nobody has the key to it except me. 

I looked through the pictures of my mam and dad on my phone. I miss them so much. Ever since they didn't come home that night, I've been calling them both the whole weekend but there's no response. Why would they leave me all alone? I can't survive without them. Who'll pay the bills? Get food?...well I can get food, but can't pay. I don't have a job yet. 


I've been hiding out in here for the last three classes. I doubt anybody is worrying that I'm not there since they don't like me. I'm all alone now...then I hear a knock. I just ignored it. Then I hear it again, I look around and my eyes land on the door...nobody knows of this room so who would be knocking? I put my ear against the door to try and hear if they left. But they didn't, although I can hear a faint voice.

I listened more carefully. They were saying, "Mads, I know you're in there. I'm sorry for what you're going through right now, so if you need a friend, I'll be here for you. Just open up, please?"

I stood back, Rhydian came looking for me? I opened the door immediately wasn't Rhydian. Before I could close the door again, he came in and locked it himself. "What are you doing here? How did you know of this room? Also, how did you know that's my nickname that only Rhydian gave to me?" I wanted to ask all those questions but I was too shocked. 

"Ok, I know you're shocked right now. You can ask me all the questions later but right now, let me explain myself. My name is..." Then it went black. 

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