Chapter 16

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He placed a finger on my lips to shush me. What is he doing here and how did he even get here?

I wanted to ask those questions but he leaned in and then I woke up from that dream. I looked around and he's not there. So it was a dream too, it felt so real. I must miss him a lot but why that kind of dream? I've never had that kind of dream before.

I didn't want to have it again so I stayed awake thinking. A lot of thoughts were running through my head that I eventually got a headache. I looked back at the darkest part of the cave. Thinking there has to be another way out.

I found a few matches and brought them with me, with the candle lit I could see the cave seems to get bigger the further I go. But before I went any further, I used Eolas to look ahead of me.

I got on the ground in less pain and became one with nature. I couldn't see anything because it was too dark. Looks like I'll just have to keep on going.


"Madeline, it's time for you to come out now." Jacob's Dad came in to the cave but he didn't see Maddy anywhere. The cave isn't big so you can't go any further than the end of the bed. But when Maddy wasn't there, he thought she must've escaped. But she never did,

"Madeline has escaped! Search for her!" Jacob's dad alarmed the small village of wild wolfbloods. Those that knew Eolas used it, those that didn't went to search on foot.

While everybody was searching, Jacob went back to the cave to see what she used to escape. He knew nobody can escape it because he was once trapped there, so just how did she get out?

After exploring the small cave for an hour, he found nothing. The bars weren't damaged and she couldn't use anything to lift it, so the answer is right there.

Somebody must have opened the door and let her escape. It seems very likely but who would let her out? No other wolfblood here knows how to operate it besides two. When those two close the gates, Jacob or Jacob's dad himself erases their memory of it for precautions.

Jacob and his dad know how to operate it but neither one would open it. Unless his dad will think it's him because of his past feelings for her, thinking they have re-surfaced.

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