Chapter 22

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"You walked straight?" Jacob asked me. Right now, we made it back to the waterfall and I was pointing the direction to where I came from; but he doesn't believe me.

"Yes I did! Don't you see the path right there?" He shook his head. How is he not seeing what is there in front of him? I grabbed his arm and pulled him right next to me, realizing the height difference. Anyways, I pointed straight again and he now sees it.

"Oh that path! Wait a second," He removed my hand from his arm and walked away. Then he grabbed my hand and held it looking at the path. "I see now! I know why I never saw it before, it's because you can see the paths that are not known to us regular wolfbloods, both tame and wild."

"Regular? So what, I'm a special type of wolfblood?" Jacob nods his head. That's too weird. I don't believe that, "I don't believe it."

"Well you should," We both turned around to the voice. It belonged to a little boy; he looks about eight-years-old. How in the world did he get down here?

"How in the world did you get down here?" Jacob voiced my thought...again! This is getting too weird for me.

"You need to stop Jacob,"

"Stop what? I was talking to the kid here not you,"

"I mean, stop voicing my thoughts."

"How am I supposed to know your thoughts? You don't even talk to me anymore unless you have to!"


Jacob and I faced the kid to see what he has to say. I have a feeling he knows what's going on.

"-You two have a connection together; which is why Jacob can hear your thoughts."

"Hey, how did you know my name?"

"Your friend just said so,"

"Oh...well what connection are you talking about?"

"Here, let me show you."

The boy grabbed our hands and dragged us to the waterfall. He touched the water and it became still; no ripples or sound whatsoever. We saw our reflections as if we're looking through a mirror. He touched the water again and slowly, an image appeared.

I see two little kids, boy and girl, having fun and playing. They're in a green field and have no care in the world. But...why do they look familiar?

"This is you and Jacob. You two knew each other long before you can remember," We did?

"No way. But how? When I was a kid, I was still in the woods. Maddy was with her family in the village,"

The boy shook his head and pointed to the water again. Another image popped up but this time there were more people. It looked like there were two three, and one of them is holding a baby. I can't tell what the baby looks like but with the color of the brown hair, the baby reminds me a bit of Jacob.

Anyways, the adults are talking and it seems like it's a serious conversation based on their facial expressions. The mom, I'm guessing, gave the boy to the two other adults and ran out of the room crying. She abandoned her child just like that?

But how could she? "Do you realize who this baby is Maddy?" I shook my head.

"This child is you,"

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