Chapter 18

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I'm almost at the top! Just a few more rocks. I kept myself from looking down because if I did then I'd slip...but I wanted to see how far I've gone so I looked down. I was far away from the ground and my grip on the rocks became tighter. 

I looked up and by the time I reached the top I heard a splash below me. I looked and there was nothing, guess it was just a rock or something that fell. Anyways, I'm just glad to finally be out of that cave! 

I looked at my surroundings and saw rocks and the entrance to the waterfall, which I came out of just a moment ago. I used Eolas to see my surroundings, nothing. Nobody is close enough to catch my scent, but I can see the village and Jacob's dad is so mad. I look some more just to see where Jacob is, and I don't see him. Wonder where he went?


It's so dark. Is this Hell? Did I really die? I thought I lived. I tried to see through the darkness but no luck. It was so cold and lonely, just like in those movies. Wait, maybe I'm not dead. It could be like those movies, I'm just thinking all this in my head and if I open my eyes, I might just see who rescued me. Jacob thought. 

I'll lay back down and count to three then open my eyes. One...two...three.

Jacob slowly opened his eyes to see rocks above him. He slowly got up because he felt so sore on his front side. He looked around and saw nobody, his savior must have left. And he didn't get to thank him/her. 

He stood up and noticed he was still dripping wet. "So I wasn't out for long. That means the one who rescued me has to still be here." Jacob thought to himself. He looked on the ground to see if there's a trail of water.

He found one right by his foot and began to follow it. The trail ended...behind the waterfall? Jacob went behind it but saw nothing, no one. Jacob had no idea how they could disappear like that but he hopes to find them and thank them soon. For now, he's occupied on trying to find a way out.


"I'm so hungry." I've been walking around for how long, and I haven't eaten or drank anything! I stopped when I heard a twig snap. I looked around, trying to pick up a scent if there's somebody. Nothing. I got down on one knee and used Eolas, it'll be easier to see who's there. 

I see nothing. Maybe it was me...then it became dark. I opened my eyes and saw everything, clear as day. But why did it get dark? Wait! That has to be a sign that somebody is there, but where? They darkened my visibility when I use Eolas but how though? 

"Hello little girl." I looked around for the person but I still see no one.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Nobody." Another voice, it sounds different than the first one. So there has to be more than one. 

"Show yourself,"

"Don't think so sweet cheeks. I see you know Eolas, that's good. But you didn't know Eolas can be darkened so you see nothing while using it."

"Yeah I know that now. How did you do it then?"

"How did you know we did it?" A third voice.

"You're the only one who knew I couldn't see using Eolas." That was a pretty dumb thing for them to say. 

"Oh...well aren't you little miss smarty pants." Obviously. Just where are these voices coming from? "Show yourself! It's rude to talk to somebody and they can't see you."

"It is? Should we show our self, sir?" Fourth voice, sounds a bit higher so it must be a girl or just a little kid.

"No! She's playing tricks. And since when were we polite?" 

"You have a good point sir." 

While these...ghosts, are talking, I'll try to see where they are by looking at the ground. If they're real and can just turn invisible, then they must be standing somewhere. That way I can see the pressure that's on the ground from their weight.

Just hope they can't fly. And flying is possible if there are such things as wolfbloods and invisible...people or whatever they are. Okay, I think I found one. I want to get closer to be sure but I can't give away what I'm doing.

"Can we just get this over with? I don't have all day." Fifth!? How many are there in total? This is getting out of hand. I need to get out of here, but they have to be surrounding me. Luckily there's a tree near by and I can jump onto the branch. 

"Alright. On the count of three. One..." I jumped. I heard them yell but my focus was on grabbing that branch. Which was a success. 

"You can't escape us!"

"I just did, see ya!" I began to jump from tree to tree trying to get as far away as possible. It's hard to tell if I'm far from them since I can't even see them.

I fell hitting something. I made a grunt sound, the landing hurt. 

"You thought you could escape us? Too bad, but nice try." How can I escape from them now? 


Meanwhile, Jacob was trying to think of a way out. He looked around but saw no exit of some sort besides climbing up to where he fell in in the first place. 

Has to be the only way out. I can do this. He thought. He slowly began to climb up, watching his every step to not fall and die. 

After an hour, he got out. Yes! I knew I could do it. Now which way to go?  Jacob didn't want to go back to the village so he decided to go the opposite direction...which was the same way Maddy went.


Back at Rhydian's house, he was worrying sick about Maddy each day. "Rhydian, are you okay?" His mum asked. "Yes, just worrying about a test that I have."

"Study well and you'll be fine."

"Thanks mum." There's more to it though. I can't shake the feeling that Maddy is in danger and I can't do anything about it. 

At school, Rhydian told the principal that Maddy and her family moved and she won't coming back anytime soon. Luckily, he believed it. But everybody has their own theories on things. Jacob and Maddy ran away together and eloped. Something crazy like that.

And everyday, Rhydian had to deal with hearing all those stuff. He liked Maddy, a lot. He couldn't bare hearing all these rumors and knowing that she is with Jacob, out there, in the woods. Not knowing the kind of danger that lies ahead.

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