Chapter 13

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Wednesday. I can't wait any longer for this week to be over. More like school I mean. I'm so tired of all this stuff. I laid in my bed trying to think of all the possibilities as to who would harm my family and I in anyway. 

I don't know how long it's been but I must have laid there for a long time since Ms.Morris knocked and asked if I was awake. 

"Yes ma'am. I'm getting dressed right now," No, I'm not. But I had to. 

I got dressed into my uniform again and headed downstairs for breakfast. Eggs and bacon. My favorite!

I ate my food in less than five minutes and ran back upstairs to brush my teeth. By the time I was done, Rhydian just came down to eat breakfast. He's going to make us late and I don't want that. 

"I'm going to head out first, I don't want to be late. So I'll see you at school Rhydian." It was a nice day outside, but the atmosphere felt...strange. I don't know if it has to do with my wolf senses or I'm just feeling strange. I shook it off and began my walk alone.

It honestly felt strange to walk by myself to school since it's been so long since I've done that. I passed by my house and I picked up a scent. But instead of it leading towards my house, it went from my house to the woods. I began to follow it.

The further I go into the woods, the stronger the scent becomes. I must be getting close. By the time I reached the end, I found myself at a field with flowers. I lost track of the scent because of the flowers smell. I looked around to see if there might be a trail of some sort that the person or thing took. But there was nothing. I decided to head back but when I turn around...I don't recognize it.

I was paying more attention to the scent than my surroundings so I'm lost. I grabbed my phone to call Rhydian but I have no reception here. This is really bad. Could this possibly be...a trap? I mean I was lead here to a field of flowers where the scent stopped since the smell mixes with the flowers. So if this was purposely done, the one behind it must be near.

I tried to pick up a scent to see if he or she, whatever it is, is near by. But I get nothing. I would go back into the woods but it may be dangerous, so I'll stay here; between the field of flowers and entrance to the woods. 


An hour or so has passed and I'm still here. Class has started and Rhydian must be worried sick about me. Okay Maddy, think! You're a wolfblood. Use your senses. I squat on the ground, put my hand down balance myself and closed my hands. 

I began to think of ways but it wasn't helping. I cleared my mind and became one with nature. I see images in my head of the path I had taken to get here and my house at the end. I jolted up and was surprised. What was that? I never knew I could do that until now. 

I'll tell Rhydian about it later and talk about it with him. For now, I'm getting out of here. The longer I stay, the more I get scared. 


I arrived at school just in time for lunch to begin. I went to the bathroom first to freshen up because I smell like the woods and there are branches, twigs, and leaves in my hair. 

Then I smelled something that was horrid. I looked on my clothes to see where it came from and it was all over my clothes...I realized it wasn't mud. I quickly went to the lost and found to look for clothes that I could borrow. Finally! I found one...oh no.


"Who is that?"

"Yo dude, she's hot!"

"Just who does she think she is? She can't wear that to school." I heard good and bad compliments going around the cafeteria about me. It's so awkward right now...I never had this kind of attention before. 

I quickly sat down in front of Rhydian who was shocked. "Who are you?" He doesn't recognize me?

"It's me. Maddy." His eyes went big and he began to choke on the food in his mouth. "MADDY!"He said that too loud. Everybody heard and looked at me shocked. Especially the three K's. Luckily they didn't come towards me to say something. I hushed Rhydian to keep it down. 

"Maddy! That's you? What are you wearing?" I looked as well fully knowing what I was wearing. I had to wear jean shorts, my own white tank top (that I wore for my school uniform) underneath a black tank top that has an image of a wolf, with my black converse. This was all they had in the lost and found which I have no reason why they do. 

I explained it to Rhydian and he understood. Of course I mentioned about the woods and scent because it turns out he was really worried about me. He believed the rumor going around that I was with Jacob because he also wasn't in class. 

Speaking of, Jacob just came in the cafeteria with a brown lunch bag and he sat next to us again. Everybody's eyes were on us. "Don't you all have something better to do?"Rhydian said to them and they all turned back to whatever they were doing. 

"I'm just glad you're safe Mads, you had no idea how much I was worried."

"I'm sorry. Next time, I'll just wait for you." He nodded his head and saw that I didn't get any lunch so he gave me some of his. I smiled and took it gratefully, I was starving. 

"Nice style Maddy. It looks good on you," I turned to look at Jacob. "Thanks." 

"I've been thinking about it lately. The day you two left here but when I found you, it was Maddy and a wolf. Alone in one room." Rhydian and I just sat there not saying a word, looking at our food. "I've come to two conclusions. One, Rhydian went somewhere else and you Maddy went to that classroom to find yourself face-to-face with a wolf. Two, Rhydian is the wolf." 

We became stiff. I thought he'd let this go but he never did. "Looks like the cat's out of the bag...or should I say wolf?" 

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