Chapter 11

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School has been boring. When I got to my second period, the guy- I mean, Jacob, he sits next to me now rather than behind me. It's strange though, he shows up out of nowhere and he's like, how would  you call it, my savior? But then again, he's only saved me during the times Rhydian wasn't there. 

Right now, I'm having lunch with Rhydian...and I guess also with Jacob. Although he isn't talking to us, but it's not surprising. Now what is surprising is, nobody, not even the three K's, has bothered me. It's strange and scary. I don't know if they're going to come out of nowhere and just attack me. So I've been alert. Every 'boo' or scream, I just turn around. You'd be surprised at how many times people get scared these days.

"Mads, you ok? You've been looking over your shoulder for the past five minutes," I jerked my head towards Rhydian. I didn't notice I was doing it that much, "It's just that the K's hasn't messed with me. So I'm being on the lookout."

I looked over my shoulder again but quickly turned back around when I head Rhydian stifle a laugh. "What's up?"

"If they did, don't you think I'd give you a heads up? I sit in front of you so I can see those behind you. Don't worry, I have your back Maddy." I smiled and thanked him. How did I end up with a good friend like him? That will never be answered. 

"Have you done any of your assignments I gave you?" Rhydian and I both looked up from our food to face each other and look at Jacob. He was looking, well more like playing, with his food. Was he talking to us? "Since you're silent. I take it that you haven't yet." 

"Uh, no. Not yet...thanks for the reminder though." 

"I forgot to mention, the teachers want the assignments due to them by the end of the week or on Monday next week." 

What! Today is a Tuesday so I have...five days to finish them! "Thanks Jacob. I'll do them when I get home." 

"Home? You're not even living at your home for the time being," I looked at Jacob. How does he know that? "I know you're wondering how I know that, well that's because I stopped by your place the next morning to see if you wanted to walk together,"My eyes became wide. 

"But nobody was home when I knocked and no car was there. I apologize, but I went in to see if you were still asleep, and you weren't. I noticed clothes were gone too since you left your drawers opened. So I figured that you were sleeping over somebody else's house." 

It was silent. I didn't know what to say. 

"Who said you could go barging into other people's houses? Just because nobody answered doesn't give you the right to go in. If nobody answers then that means nobody is home. You don't go in!" Rhydian said while making hand gestures. Jacob was just sitting there as if Rhydian isn't yelling at him, he's just listening quietly. 

I stood up as well and walked behind Rhydian to hold back his arm because it looked like he was about to hit him. When I grabbed hold of his hand, I saw veins popping out. Oh no... "Rhydian. Calm down, now!" I whispered in his ear. I showed him his hand and he saw what I meant. I saw his eyes and they were starting to become golden yellow. I quickly threw his hood on, thanking that he was wearing a jacket today. 

I dragged him out of the cafeteria to my classroom. By the time we got there, Rhydian transformed into a light brown wolf. Then he began to howl. I rushed over to him and closed his mouth. I told him to hush and not make a sound; he obediently listened. 

"Okay Rhydian, I'm going let go now. So be quiet and calm down ok?" I slowly let go of his mouth and thankfully he didn't howl again. Then a knock came from the door which made Rhydian instantly respond. I told him to hush again and slowly creeped through the door. With my sense of smell, I tried to sniff who it was. It seemed familiar but I couldn't pinpoint who's scent it is.

"Maddy? Rhydian? Are you in there?" Then I recognized the voice, it was Jacob! Rhydian realized it too because he began to growl. I ran towards him and closed his mouth again, "Stop! You're going to get both of us caught if you don't shut up and calm down!" 

I gave him a stern look. He sat down and his ears went down as well, he paid attention now. I quietly tip-toed to the door again and tried to catch Jacob's scent. I smell it but I don't hear anything. Either he left but his scent is still here and slowly fading or he is here but he's being really quiet right now. 

I was wrong until I heard some fast paced footsteps coming towards the door. I fell back because the door was kicked open by no other than Jacob. I was surprised. Why would he do that! Jacob and I met eyes then his eyes looked behind. Then a thought came to me...Rhydian! I quickly turned around making sure he isn't in his wolf form...

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