Chapter 24

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I don't believe this. What Jacob and I saw, we won't forget it. Especially me. 

"You see this right? Do you want this to happen to the both of you as well?" Jacob's dad asked. 

Inside the hut...was my parents. Or so I think. They were both locked up in a cage but they didn't look calm at all. They both had this mad look on their faces; ready to kill. It scared me so much, I didn't want to see my parents again. 

I ran out because I couldn't take it. I heard footsteps following me and it was Jacob. 

"Maddy, are you okay?" 

How can I be okay? They did this to my parents, they drove them mad. I won't forgive them, any of them! I felt adrenaline flowing through me, anger, sadness...fear. All of that was flowing through me.

"Maddy...your veins..." I looked at them and realized what Jacob was talking about. "Get...back Jacob!" 

Then I transformed. I realized all those feelings, I finally transformed into a wolf. But forget that, I want my revenge. I turned around and I was eye-to-eye with Jacob. I looked past him and saw his dad. He was looking at me as well, but with an evil grin. 

I growled, then charged at him. My teeth sank into his right shoulder and all I heard was a scream from him. I got off him then attacked the others. I couldn't stop. All this rage kept me going and by the time I ran out, I've already bitten everyone. 

Not killed, but I gave them serious injuries. The only one left was Jacob. He looked at me with a terrified face.

"What did you do?" He whispered. I dropped whatever was in my mouth, which was someone's leg, and ran off. 

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