Chapter 7

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"MADDY! Where are you?" Is all I hear. I'm so tired, didn't sleep much last night. I let out a little grunt.

I got out of bed looking to see who was calling. I went downstairs to see Rhydian. "Hey, why are you here so..." Once I looked around the house was trashed!

"What happened!"

"I was going to ask you. Didn't you hear anything last night?"

"No, I was too tired." What happened here! I know before I went to bed the house was clean. Somebody must've came in for sure, nobody else was in the house...unless there is.

"Rhydian, did you see or smell anybody here? Or at least left before you got here?" Rhydian was thinking and shook his head.

And where is Mum and Dad! They're supposed to be here.

"Maddy you ok?"

I gave him a stern look. "Does it look like I'm ok?! My parents never called or stopped by, the house is trashed, and I don't know what to do!" I sat down bursted out crying.

Nothing like this has happened before. Until...

"You did this!"

"Me! Maddy how could I do this? No WHY would I even do this to you?"

"I don't know, but none of this happened until you came into town, school, and my life!" At that moment, I wanted to take it back.

Rhydian looked hurt so much. I felt really bad. "Rhy-"

"No. It's fine. I'm sorry I ruined your life. I'll go so no need to deal with me anymore. Bye Maddy."

He slammed the door leaving me all alone. I cried even harder. Where are my parents when I need them.

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