Chapter 3

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"Mum why can't we invite him?"

"Because he isn't allowed here. This is our territory, we are not going to allow uh...uh...wild wolfblood in this house!"

"But that's the thing, he isn't wild! He just transferred here, he's an orphan." That got her. Mum and I were arguing about Rhydian. I invited him over for dinner and I was getting permission from Mum...which is hard right now.

"Fine...he can come but he better behave." I acted all giddy and gave her a hug saying, "Thank you!" Repeatedly. I called Rhydian and said it was cool he comes over for dinner. I'm so nervous, this is the first time I've ever invited somebody here. What if he doesn't like it? Or my parents? What if Mum and Dad embarrass me! No, I'm going to cancel...then a knock came at the door. He's here!

"I got it!" I ran to the door, straightened my clothes out and put my best smile on. "Hey Rhydian," he was dressed nice. Not too fancy or too casual. "Hey Mads, I brought these for your Mum." He was holding a bouquet of flowers, isn't that sweet! "Oh come in,"

"Mum, Dad. This is Rhydian. Rhydian these are my parents who are also wolfbloods." He shook hands with them just like a gentleman. "Here you go Ms.Smith, I got these flowers for you."

"Why thank you Rhydian!" she walked by me whispering in my ear 'he's a keeper' i swear my face got red. Plus, she was just arguing with me about him!


"This food is really good Ms.Smith!" Rhydian complimented. "Why thank you, but it was my husband who made it." So Rhydian complimented him. I'm really glad they're all getting along. I was just sitting there quietly not saying much.

"Mads, you ok?" I looked up and they were all staring at me. "I'm fine, just thinking about stuff." My parents nodded but Rhydian was still looking, he wouldn't let it go. So I mouthed the words 'I'll tell you later', and he left it at that.

After dinner, my family and I showed him the den. "So you guys transform here?"

"Yep. Our own little version of the woods. It keeps us safe from everybody and vice versa." Dad replied. I was just standing by the doorway because I was admiring how Rhydian is so nice and caring to me and my family. I just don't get it.


After a night full of laughter and games, Rhydian had to leave. It was 10:30pm already. "I had a great time tonight Mr. & Mrs.Smith. Thank you for having me." Rhydian shook their hands and was about to walk out til' I said, "I'll walk you out," I grabbed my shoes and jacket and walked with him.

"Your family is really nice. I like them," I looked up and saw how sincere Rhydian was. "Thanks, yeah they're good folks but at times they can be annoying ya know," He laughed, "Oh I know."

I stopped at my gate as well as Rhydian. "Well tonight was fun, thanks for having me Mads," he smiled down at me and gave me a hug. "No problem. I'm glad you enjoyed it, you can come by anytime." We let go of each other and he waved one last time and left. He had to start running or else he'd be in trouble with his foster parents.

I headed back into the house and saw everything was clean and my parents no where in sight. I went to my room, changed and went to sleep. After so long, I slept happy.

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