Chapter 4

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Ugh, I had the BEST dream last night. I had a friend and he came over and had a fun time...too bad it ended.

I got ready for school as usual. Thinking about that dream on my way to school, I have a feeling that it was real. It felt real! But I don't know.

"Hey Mads!" I didn't bother to turn around because it might be a bully. "Mads!" I walked a bit faster. Then a hand grabbed my arm. "Maddy, couldn't you hear me? I was calling out to you." I looked at his face and reality hit wasn't a dream. It was real life!

"Oh sorry Rhydian. I was just thinking,"

"It's fine. Since I caught up to you, want to walk to school together?" I nodded my head. This is the first time I walked with somebody to school.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me. "Yeah, in a very long time." Rhydian smiled. His smile is so nice, his personality is nice! And he's good looking too. But I can't think of that, or else he'd probably run away from me then I'll be a loner for sure! Ugh why am I so nervous right now?! My palms are sweaty too.

"Mads, are you ok?" I just nodded my head kept on walking straight. Then he grabbed my hand and noticed it was sweaty, oh that's so embarrassing.

"Your hands are really sweaty. Are you feeling sick?" I stopped and looked at Rhydian. His expression was serious, worried.

"I'm not. Just nervous,"


"Because. This is my first time coming to school with a friend. I'm worried that you'll be bullied because of me." Rhydian held me back.

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself, it's you I'm worried about."

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't be worrying about me." I was going to walk away but he wouldn't let me go. "No. I'm going to stay by your side. You're my friend so I'll stick by you."

I smiled. He's so sweet to me. I shouldn't be pushing him away. This is the first time I've made a friend and he's willing to be a friend of mine.

"Ok. I'm sorry, it's just this is all new to me." He smiled at me and held my hand. It felt as if we were dating. People were staring at us, me.

Rhydian took me to class. "I'll stop by to take you to your next class." he gave me a hug and left. I walked slowly into my class preparing myself for all the paper balls and insults.

"Oh look. Maddy has a boyfriend." Kara said. "Can't be. Who'd want to date her?" Katrina is right. Nobody would want to date me. I'm ugly, fat, smelly, small. I feel tears coming but I hold it back.

"Aww, is little baby about to cry." then everybody made baby sounds. I wanted to run out but no, I need to stand my ground. I kept on heading straight for my desk...until I tripped. I prepared myself for the impact but instead, I felt arms around me.

I opened my eyes to see a guy I've never seen before. He seemed familiar to me but I couldn't point out where from. I looked over his arm to see everybody staring at us, especially the 3 K's. Their faces were filled with way! They're jealous of me!

I instantly got up from my position and fixed myself. "Th-Thank you." Ugh, my stuttering again. "You're welcome. Are you ok?" Oh.My.Gosh. His voice is like heaven!

He smiled at me and faced towards everybody with a stern look, "Wow. Tripping people is so fun. Lame. Grow up, stop being childish."

He stood up for me...kinda. But still. It's just like what Rhydian did for me. "Thanks again." He gave me a smile and sat in his seat which was right behind me.

Mr.Jeffries finally came in the room. Perfect timing...

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