Chapter 15

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I woke up with a searing headache. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. It was dark and I can't see anything. I sat up but fell back down because I felt pain all over. I rubbed my eyes but then my hand began to hurt and I screamed. 

I realized it was broken. I looked around more closely trying to feel my surroundings. I felt something squishy and then something was a wrap and scissors. I felt around somewhere to see if there were matches and a candle or at least a flashlight. 

Well no flashlight but a candle and match will work. It was hard but I got candle lit. First, I looked at my surroundings. The walls and ceilings were rocks, ground was dirt; I'm in a cave. I tried to wrap my hand myself but it was so hard to do. I couldn't wrap my hand the way it is so I need a hard thing to get my hand to heal better. I looked around and my eyes landed on two pieces of wood. It looked smooth which was strange.

I didn't think of it any further and just used it. I found some rope next to it and used that too. I placed one piece of wood underneath my hand and the other on the top. Then I used the roped to tie it in place. I didn't bother to wrap it because I don't think I need that. 

I felt some other pains but they weren't broken I think. I tried to stand but my leg gave way. Once I touched my leg, it hurt so bad. I grabbed the candle to look at my body better and I see all these bruises and cuts everywhere.

"What happened to me?" 

I began to use the bandage and scissors. Cut the right amount for the different sizes of cuts I have. After about five minutes, I was covered in bandages all over. You'd think I was a mummy. I slowly got myself back up on the bed and just sat there.

"You're awake now." I looked towards the entrance and it was Jacob's dad. "I see you patched yourself up. Good. Why don't you come on out so we can talk properly?"

I didn't bother to move because I didn't want to talk to him and that I couldn't move myself. I am in too much pain. 

"It's alright. We can talk like this. I'd like to apologize for what happened with your hand. Sometimes I don't know my own strength. I would apologize but I couldn't control my emotions, you know us wolfbloods," 

Does he expect me to respond? "Anyways. I am glad that you're here. You know that I sent my son to get you a long time ago but he failed. Now that he succeeded, we won't kill him. Now, I know we said that we'd kill you if Jacob brought you here. But we have different plans."

What's he talking about? 

"What kind of plans?" 

"You see, your parents know something very valuable that we need. We've tried to get it out of them from torment to kindness, and you know us wild wolfbloods don't do kindness,"

I said nothing. "So that's when we came to our last resort; you." 

"What is this valuable thing?"

"Oh no no no. You'll know when your parents tell us. Until then, we'll give you time to heal. Which won't be long." Then he left.

Just what is this valuable info that my parents know about? But I need to know if they're okay, how though? I gave it some thought then I remembered the thing I did by the field of flowers. So I got onto the ground and became one with nature. 

I see my parents and they're in a room...fine. That's good but I thought they would've injured them as much as me. Well from what I can see, they are two shacks to the left of me. There are no guards so I can get out easily since the bars are sticks. 

I got up from the ground to be startled by a voice known too well. "You know Eolas? Impressive tamey, normally nobody can just learn Eolas themselves unless they start thinking stuff. But then again, I saw you do it by the field of flowers."

"Thanks wild, but I have a name."

"I have a name as well, yet you called me 'wild'," That's what you are. 

"Just what do you want?" I said as I slowly laid down on the bed closing my eyes. 

"To give you your food." I opened my eyes and he was in front of me with a tray. I slowly got up because half of my back down was in pain. Especially when I did Eolas, but it was worth it. When I saw the food, I was disgusted.

Raw meat. Flies were around and the stench was horrid. I couldn't take it, I covered my nose tightly trying not to breathe it in. "I'm not eating that."

"Suit yourself," Jacob took a bit and I thought I was about to throw up. Blood was dripping from his chin to the ground and the stench became worse. 

"So what did my dad talk to you about?" I looked at him with a curious look, he doesn't know? 


"Well of course it was. But what was it? When I came back with you, there were secrets going around and I plan on finding out." 

"Good luck." I watched him walk out and I noticed the door lifted up slowly. As if it was...heavy? Can't be, they're sticks. When I knew Jacob left, I slowly walked towards the bars to see if I can break them. But I couldn't. I studied the material further and I realized, its some sort of metal camouflaged as sticks. They're good.

Dang, I'm tired again. I slowly went back to my bed and sleep. Once I closed my eyes, I began to have a weird dream. I was wandering the woods at night by myself and I think I was looking for something. I didn't have anything except for a flashlight in hand. I can faintly hear myself calling out a name but I don't catch it.

I continued to call out the name, then I began to run. I ran towards the figure calling out my name. Not seeing the person because I dropped my flashlight once I started to run. 

Then I woke up, face-to-face with Rhydian. 

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