Chapter 14

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Rhydian took Jacob by the arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria. I followed as well as others but I couldn't do anything to stop them. 

"Follow us and you're dead." It was Jacob who said that. The others listened and stayed in the cafeteria. The guys went all the way to the woods. 

We stopped once we knew we were far away from the school. Rhydian turned around to face Jacob and he was about to punch him but I held him back. 

"Hit me. We both know what happens next, something will come out." 

Rhydian put his arm down and tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. I know he won't talk to him so I have to.

"Jacob, just who are you?" 

"Jacob Reid. You know me Maddy. It hurts that you don't remember me." I know him?

"She doesn't know you. Why would she anyways?" Rhydian said. 

Jacob ignored Rhydian's comment and faced towards me, "Madeline. Last Christmas, you invited me over for dinner." 

Last Christmas? But I don't remember inviting anyone over because I had no friends at school until...

"Wow. Tripping people is so fun. Lame. Grow up, stop being childish."

I was thankful for this guy. He caught me before I fell or else, I would've cried there and then. "Thanks," He smiled and his smile was gorgeous. 

"So Jacob, Christmas break is coming up. Do you want to come over sometime? Or will you be out of town?" 

"I'll be here so sure, I'd love to hang out with you." Jacob and I were best friends after he caught me that day. But when Christmas came...

"I have something to say to you." Jacob and I actually began to date when Christmas break started and my parents were okay with it. 

"What is it Jacob?" His face looked stressed and as if he was about to break down and cry. But he did the opposite, he went towards my parents and got to his knees and begged for forgiveness. My parents and I stood up, shocked. 

"What happened Jake?" I only call him that. 

"I'm really not from Wales. I am a wolfblood like you guys, except I come from a different pack. I live with the wild wolfbloods. I know how much you guys despise us because we're cruel and vicious. When I first came here, my mission was to bring Maddy with me to be a wild and...and kill her, but I couldn't after I got to know her and you two. I explained to my folks that I didn't want to do it anymore but they gave me two choices of either being killed or bring the whole family. I don't want to do it anymore and I need your help. Please help me." Jacob was crying now and I felt bad for him but I also feel betrayed. There were a few times he took me to the woods but nothing bad happened. 

I was crying as well. My mum was shocked and dad too. But he was the first to recover and he literally dragged Jacob out of the house and yelled at him to never come back and stay out of our lives. I didn't know what to say. I looked at Jacob in the eyes one last time then turned around and broke down crying. 

I remember now! I can't believe I forgot all about Jacob...but how could I? He made a huge impact on my life because of that. 

"You remember now? I told you guys about me, where I'm from, and my reason for being there. Your family kicked me out and wanted me out of your life because I was dangerous. You, didn't say anything about it. You faced me and turned around. I was hurt." I began to cry and Jacob teared up as well.

"What happened to you?" Now that I look at Jacob clearly, his hair is now short and dark brown, he's grown about a foot, he's muscular than before, but his face is the same. Except for a scar along his arm. 

"The wild happened. I didn't get you and your family and I didn't want to go back to be killed so I ran away. But I was found again and they put in solitude. I was alone for a very long time in that damn cave! But I was sane, they let me out once they realized I became cold-hearted. You left me alone and so I've decided to leave you alone too. Where's your parents now huh?"

I calmed myself and stopped crying. He took my parents. "Where are they?"

"Oh they're fine...for now. They're with my family so who knows what's happening right now." I was about to attack him but I was held back. I forgot Rhydian was still here. "Mads, calm down. He's not worth the energy." So I did. 

"Take me instead of my parents." 

"That sounds like a fair deal but no. I have to have all of you." 

"Why do you even need all of us? My parents are old, I'm young. Take me and release them." Jacob was thinking about it. 

"Deal. Follow me," I began to follow but Rhydian held me back. "Don't go. It's a trap. Since when are enemies telling the truth? They'll just keep you and your parents."

"I have to go Rhydian. I can't leave my parents there. I know you're worried about me but you need to stay here with your family. If they ask, tell them my parents came back home so that's where I'll be. I'll be back soon." I gave him a hug and let go but he didn't. He pulled me back in for a kiss. 

He poured out all his feelings into that kiss so did I. We stopped after about a minute, "Come back quickly." I nodded my head and began to follow Jacob. I didn't turn back around because I knew I'm not coming back if I'm going to be their prisoner. 


It's been about an hour and we're still not there. We took a water break by a small waterfall. The water was clean, so Jacob says. I don't trust him but right now, I'm really thirsty. 

Then we began to walk. It was silent between us. I can't believe he changed so much. He was hurt? I was too. Then, I told him how lonely I was because nobody liked me. He came along and changed that but when he said he was supposed to kill me, I was hurt so much. I cried myself to sleep at night, that's how bad it was. Everybody at school don't know why Jacob left but they started picking on me again just like before. 

It was hard. "One thing that I don't get is how you could forget that. All those memories, the good and the bad, us." Jacob was saying. 

"I honestly don't know how I could forget either. Every night I cried myself to sleep because of how much you hurt me. I trusted you with everything, you were my first friend, boyfriend, kiss. You were my first everything! But you betrayed me. All that, I don't know how I could forget it." 

Jacob stopped to face me. Tears were in his eyes, "I was hurt too. Like I said, I was locked up in a cave by myself, all alone. Not like that did anything because after losing you, I felt alone. In all my messed up life, you and your family were the only good thing that happened to me. You taught me how to forgive and care for others,"

"You also taught me how to love. Every night when I'd go back home, I'd tell these things to my folks but I always ended up being smacked. They say all these things are wrong and we shouldn't know them because we're wild. I didn't believe any of it until you guys threw me out and wanted nothing to do with me anymore. So that's why I'm like this now."

I didn't know he had a rough life as well. He had it more rough than me. He got abused by his parents, I was abused by my classmates. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say. I couldn't apologize. 

I continued to follow Jacob, my head full of thoughts. 

"We're here." 

I looked up to see few trees but more of little huts that looked unstable, and a cave. That must be the cave Jacob was locked in. 

"Welcome back Jacob. You did a good job." 

"Thank you sir." He bowed to an old scary looking guy. He looks a little bit like Jacob so he must be the dad. 

"Madeline Smith.  It's nice to finally meet you. I heard a lot of stuff about you from my son and your parents." He held his hand out for me to shake but I didn't bother. "That's very rude of you. I thought you were a tame wolfblood with manners."

I hesitated but I shook his hand. I let go but he held onto mine tightly. Squeezing it so hard that I couldn't feel it. All I heard was a crack, screams, and laughter. 

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