Chapter 10

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It's been about 2 hours, neither one of us has caught the scent of my parents. Rhydian and I did split up but not like that helped, there still wasn't any trace. Before the sunsets, we headed back to my house, trying to think of a new way to find them. 

"Did your parents every tell you anything about having an enemy?" 

"No, they never said anything...besides wild wolf-bloods being the only enemy. But I doubt they'd come here because they hate humans, especially wolf-bloods that act human." 

It's about 8 o'clock and still nothing. We've been at this since school ended...which has been 5 hours. I can't think anymore, I'm too tired and hungry. "Mads, do you just want to crash at my place? I don't like you being here by yourself, I'd be worried sick about you." If I go to Rhydian's place, it won't be a bad idea. "But will your parents let me? And what would be our excuse?"

"I know. We'll just say that your parents are out of town for a few days and you needed a place to stay. It's 50% true, your parents aren't here." I just gave him a look, like duh. Of course I know they're not. "Yeah. I guess you're right. Ok, let me just pack some clothes then." 

I never thought I'd sleep over Rhydian's house. I mean I guess I did just not for this reason. I packed 5 days worth of clothes and if I need more, I'll just come back. "You ready?" I nodded my head. I made sure that all the doors and windows were locked and nothing was on that could cause a fire. 


"Mum, please? Can Maddy sleep over for a few days? Her parents are out of town and she has nobody else to go to." I was sitting in the living room overhearing everything. Rhydian is trying to convince his parents to let me stay but it's not going well. "I don't see why you volunteered when she could sleep over somebody else's house." His mum said.

"Honey, maybe we should let her stay. Rhydian said she has nowhere else to go. Plus, I would feel bad as a parent to let her sleep alone in an empty house." Rhydian's dad was making sense. I have a feeling I will be able to sleep over after all. 

After a few minutes of silence, his mam agreed. Rhydian came out of the kitchen looking happy followed by his parents who put a smile on their face. "We're glad to have you Madeline. Make yourself at home ok? Rhydian will show you to your room and after that I want you two to wash up and go to bed." I gave my thanks to his parents and followed Rhydian upstairs. His house is really nice. 

"So this is your room. My room is right across from yours so if you need anything, come ask. I'll let you settle then, goodnight Mads," 

"Thanks Rhydian, goodnight." He closed my door and I began to look around. The room is a bit bigger than mine back home. It has a nice view of the woods and you could see the sunsetting from here. I'm glad I have a friend like Rhydian, I don't know what I'd do without him. 

I began to unpack my clothes and placed them in a drawer and hanged some in the closet. The closet, whoa, it's a walk-in closet! Too bad I don't have that much clothes to fill this closet space. I walked further inside and there was a doorway which led to the bathroom. What the heck! There's a bathroom inside the closet. That's awesome! 

Their house is two stories tall, I didn't know it was this big inside. Well enough exploring, I need to go to bed. 


I woke up to sunlight in my face. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. It'll be awhile until I get used to waking up to this light. They don't have any blinds or curtains for the window so I don't feel like asking for one because it'll be too much. I got up and went to my bathroom to freshen up. The bathroom is nice, it has a glass shower and a bathtub. I didn't know Rhydian's parents were this rich. 

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, then put on my school uniform and headed downstairs. I was about to head out but I was stopped by Rhydian's mam. "Where do you think you're going? You haven't had breakfast yet,"

I turned around sheepishly, "Sorry. I'm used to not eating breakfast these days." She gasped as if it's the worst thing she's ever heard. "That's not healthy for you! While you're under my care, you'll be eating healthy my dear." Huh, it seems like Rhydian's mam is ok with me here, even though last night she was just arguing about it. 

I just sat quietly at the table watching her cook. It smells so good! Eggs, bacon, grits, toast...then my stomach began to growl. I held it to try and shush it, even though that never works. Rhydian's mam just laughed, "You were about to go out with your stomach making noises?" I awkwardly laughed in response. 

After about a few minutes, a plate of scrabbled eggs, bacon, grits, and toast with orange juice was right in front of me. Gosh did it smell good. "Thank you Ms. Morris, this looks really delicious." 

"It's nothing. Enjoy the meal, I'll go get Rhydian so he can join you." I nodded my head in response digging into the food. I haven't had this kind of meal in so long. "Morning Mads," 

"Morning Rhydian," I just finished my food and it was the best meal I've had. "You were really hungry huh?" Ms. Morris asked.

I just laughed, "I guess so. Thank you for breakfast, it was delicious." 

"I know right, my mum makes the best food ever!" Rhydian said. I'm just glad they're not vegetarians like other families are. I looked at my watch and school is about to start! "Rhydian, hurry up or else we'll be late for school."

Rhydian stuffed his mouth with food and we ran out the door, but not without saying goodbye to his parents. We stopped running when we were at the front gates. I'm so tired now same with Rhydian. 

"That was a good run," he just laughed. We walked into school together and I didn't have a care in the world to those who were looking at me. Especially the three K's. I wasn't looking where I was going until I bumped into somebody. "Sorry," 

"It's alright Maddy." I looked up and it was the guy. "Oh hi. I still never caught your name."

"Jacob. Jacob Barnes." Then he left. So that's his name, Jacob Barnes. 

"He's a strange guy. You should be careful around him Mads," Rhydian whispered to me. I shook my head disagreeing with him. "Let's go to class." 

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