Chapter 21

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"Kara, what are you doing here?" 

"Me? What about you? I thought you moved away," Kara looked behind me and saw Jacob and Jason's jackets filled with food. I turned to face the guys and gave them a look to just be calm. 

"Um, no I didn't move. Just left that's all. Now, can we get some free food? I don't have any money on me so I can't pay right now, but I'll pay you back if I ever come back to school."

"Why should I let you get some food?"

"I didn't want to do this, but if you don't, then I'll tell everybody at school that you work here and have no money at all."

"As if they'd believe you," Damn, she has a point. "Fine then, I'll do whatever you ask me to  when I get back to school."

"Deal. Can't wait to see you again, same with Jacob." 

We left the gas station and went back for the woods. I don't think I can get Rhydian's help if Kara knows. Or else she'll start thinking Rhydian is involved with me and I don't want him to get into trouble because of me. 

"What took you guys so long? I was getting so hungry out here," Amelia said. "Sorry, Maddy ran into somebody she knew. Who was that girl anyways?" Jason asked.

"Somebody from school. Her name is Kara," 

"And Kara isn't as nice as you think. She's a huge jerk," Jacob added.

Jason was clueless about this, as well as Amelia. But she already knew Jacob and I went to the same school. "What happened at school? For her to be a huge jerk I mean?" Jason asked. I was silent, I didn't want to talk about my feelings, let alone school. 

"Nevermind," Gosh, even thinking about it is about to make me cry. "I'll be right back." 

I left and sat by a stream of water. It's not just school I'm thinking about; my family, Rhydian...Jacob. Just what happened to him? I don't like that he changed so much, I looked for him after my parents kicked him out because I thought of how he felt. As long as he changed, I was okay with that. 

But I didn't find him, then when I do, he kidnaps my parents. I can't forgive him easily for that. "Hey, are you okay?" 

I turned around to find the person I least wanted to see.

"Peachy," I turned my back to him.

"Doesn't seem like it. Want to talk about it?" 

"Give me a good reason why I should tell you how I feel? Weaknesses? Especially, my trust in you! Which is really low pal," 

"I get it. You don't need to trust me, but I'll listen," Well I'm still not doing it. "Okay, then I'll say something," I turned around so at least he knows I'm listening. 

"I am really sorry for kidnapping your parents, I didn't have a choice since I was following orders from my dad. I'm really sorry for when we first met, I was supposed to kill you but I didn't because of how I felt. I always wished things could go back to normal between us but they can't-"

"Of course they can't! After everything that's happened, you think I can forgive you easily?"

"-I get you won't. I'm not expecting you too. I just want you to know how bad I feel, but maybe doing this isn't enough. I'll make it up to you somehow. I also want to apologize for eavesdropping on yours and Amelia's conversation earlier about me. I didn't mean to but after she yelled at me I got interested. Can't blame me right?"

This boy. Unbelievable. I didn't bother saying anything since I had nothing to say to him. "Well, I'm going to head back. Thanks for listening."

Ugh! What am I supposed to do now? I honestly can't ignore what he just said. I need to be careful on what I say from now on if Jacob is near. He apologized, but how can I believe that he's sincere? How do I know if he won't turn his back again? 

I'll think about this later, for now I need to think of a way to get my parents back.

"Hey guys, you full now?" I asked them. I saw all of the food gone, and none for me. I was starving, "Seriously? You didn't save me any!" 

"Sorry! You weren't here so we decided to eat them," Jason said. I rolled my eyes not bothering to argue about this. Even though I haven't eaten anything in one day. "Here," Jacob offered me some of his chips. I was hesitating to get some; if I did then he'd think there might be a chance of us becoming friends again, if I don't then he'll know we'll be nothing more than acquaintances.

"Thanks," I don't care. I'm starving right now. 

"I've been meaning to ask you. How did you get out of the cave?" I just finished the chips Jacob gave me and now he's asking me that dumb question. 

"That's a dumb question to ask. I walked into the cave, I figured since it goes back further, there has to be another way out. After walking for so long, the end was a waterfall with an entrance at the top. So I climbed out,"

"You walked into it? But there's no other way out besides the door. And I've been trapped in that cave longer than you so how can there be a...another way out?" 

"Well I know for sure there wasn't a wall blocking it. So making the cave bigger than you expected." 

"I'll just have to see it for myself." Jacob said. "So what? I have to take you there?" He nodded his head. The last thing I want to do is be with him. 

"I know you don't want to be with me, but too bad. I want to see how you got out,"

"Can Jason and I go with you?" Amelia asked. I wish they could but they can't. They may hold me back if they ever get in trouble, getting caught for example, and it'll just slow me down on my main goal; my parents. 

"I don't think so. If you guys came with us and got caught, you may just hold us back. Which will delay Maddy on getting her parents back." Did he just? Again? But how? "You okay Maddy? You're looking at me as if I said something wrong.

I shook my head, "Yeah Jacob is right. I'm sorry you guys. But you two can spend all the time you want together. My hometown should be near by if Kara was there at the gas station,"

Jacob and I stood the opposite of Amelia and Jason, who was holding hands might I add. "So this is it. I'll see you guys soon. Once I get my parents back you guys can meet them, if you're in my town long enough," 

I told them as I gave them both long hugs. "It was nice to meet you guys," Jacob said. 

We waved at Amelia and Jason one more time. Now back on track, I'm going to get my parents back and I hope I can see them again. As well as Rhydian.

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