Chapter 12

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He still is! I quickly stood up but before I could run towards him, I felt Jacob's hand push me back down. I looked at him to see why he'd do that when I see him go into his pocket and pull out a...gun! A gun! I looked at Rhydian and told him to run away, to get out of here! But he seemed frozen on the spot. I had to do something or else Rhydian will be killed. 

Before Jacob could pull the trigger, I kicked his leg causing him to fall on his knees. I quickly ran over to Rhydian and kicked him, he woke up from his daze and I repeated myself, "Go now! Run away!" With that, Rhydian ran away. I followed in pursuit not looking back, I wanted to but didn't. 

Thankfully we ran out the school doors without getting caught by any teacher or student. We ran and ran into the woods. We didn't stop until we were sure we were far enough from any nearby building. We were out of breathe, I could feel my blood pumping through me. Giving me that exhilaration feeling. 

I looked at Rhydian to see him laying on the dried leaves and twigs out of breathe. I laid next to him as well. 

"That was a good run huh?"

"It was." I looked at Rhydian and thankfully he's human now. We leaned against a tree and I smacked him. He exclaimed in pain. 

"What was that for?" He said while rubbing his arm. "Why didn't you turn back into a human in time before Jacob barged into the room! You were caught Rhydian! Do you know what's going to happen?" I exclaimed. 

"But Jacob doesn't know it was me. All he saw was a wolf and you in the room."

"Yeah but still! Jacob doesn't seem the type to let this go. He'll ask me questions as to why I was in a room alone with a wolf, why didn't I call for help, or why didn't I open the door when Jacob asked if I was in there? What am I supposed to say? Huh? Then what if he asks me where you went? He saw, as well did everybody, that I dragged you out of the cafeteria to who knows where!" 

I felt anger flowing through me. "Maddy calm down. I get that you're mad but it's not my fault! I can't always control my that I think about it, why are you mad? It's not like he knew it was me."

He's right. Why am I mad? I don't know why I'm getting myself worked up about this. I've calmed down now. "You okay?" I nodded my head in response. 

We sat there, leaning on the tree, listening to the peacefulness around us. "We should probably head back. They'll notify our parents if they know we skipped." Rhydian said standing up, holding out his hand. I took it and brushed the leaves off. 

We ran back as fast as we could. I looked at my watch and we have five minutes left until our next class starts. So we weren't out for long when we left the school. 

Less than five minutes, I was sitting in my classroom trying to catch my breathe. Some people were already in here, others weren't. I noticed Jacob wasn't here yet. Gosh, I'm so tired. I laid my head down to take a quick power nap. 

I could feel myself falling into a deep sleep until somebody tapped me. I picked my head up and saw that it was Jacob sitting next to me. "Class is about to start," I nodded my head and just waited for the teacher to come in. Honestly, I'm freaking out right now. Jacob had a gun in his pocket for what reason? It can't be because he knows about us...unless he's planning to actually kill somebody.

I looked over at him, he was looking at me. I smiled awkwardly and faced forward lowering my head. I shielded my face with my hair so he doesn't see my reaction right now. What do I do? I can't casually bring up the top, it's too serious to talk about here at school.

"Were you surprised when I pulled the gun out?" 

I turned my head fast to face him. He's talking to me about it...right now. "Yes." He smirked in a mean kind of way. 

"I'm surprised as well. How did you deal with that wolf so calmly? Normally people would scream for help, but you didn't. Then when I pointed my gun at it, you injured me and helped it escape, as well as you." I sat there silently not knowing what to say. 

"Now what I'm wondering the most is, why are you in a room with a wolf when you should've been in a room with Rhydian? You did drag him out of the cafeteria. So where did Rhydian go huh Madeline?" He was looking at me dead in the eye as if searching for the answer there. I was too scared to answer.

The way he's thinking logically about everything, its as if he's come to the assumption that Rhydian is the wolf. "See what happened was-" 

"Okay class. Open up your textbooks to page 394." Perfect timing. From my side view, I can see Jacob grinning. But it wasn't a nice one. Can school just end here and now?


"He asked you all that!" I was in Rhydian's room and I just finished telling him about what happened in class. Rhydian was pacing back and forth, thinking. "You didn't say anything so that's good. You should stay away from him from now on. He's no good after what just happened." 

"How can I stay away from him when he's in all of my classes and sits right next to me? I can't switch seats because one, nobody would want to switch with me and two, the teacher won't let me."

"Well just don't talk to him at all. If he tries to ask you something, ignore him. Better yet-" He paused and went towards his dresser pulling out an iPod and earphones. "You can use this. Listen to it at the beginning of class so that way, he won't talk to you. Then when class ends, quickly put these back on." 

"That's a brilliant idea! Thanks," I took them and looked through his playlist. There were some songs I never heard of on here. 

"What's going on here?" 

Caught by surprise, we quickly turned around to face Ms.Morris. "Hey mum, I was letting Maddy use my old iPod for awhile." 

"Hi Ms.Morris." I waved. "Okay, well you two know that I don't like you guys in one room together alone." 

"But the door was open mum, so nothing to worry about. Plus nothing would happen between us, we both got our hands full with schoolwork." Rhydian explained. Schoolwork!

"I just remembered. I need to go back to my house and get my assignments that I left. I'll be back Ms.Morris." I headed out but to be followed by Rhydian, "I'm not letting you go there alone after what happened today." 

"What happened today Rhydian?" His mum asked. I looked at Rhydian for an excuse which he quickly caught. "Nothing really. Maddy had accidentally fell today and I'm worried she'll do it again because she wasn't looking where she was going."

"Okay, well you two be careful now."

Rhydian and I headed out to my house. "Nice excuse,"



Not again. Rhydian and I picked up a scent that leads to my house, it was the same one as before. We quietly went inside the house to look around, but we made sure to be together not knowing who or what is in here. 

After scoping throughout the place, there was nothing. The house was the same as before, just that there's a scent everywhere. Rhydian asked me, "What do you think it is?" I shook my head, not knowing what it is. 

I lock the door all the time, so how is it that somebody could..."Wait a minute...didn't Jacob say he came in here one morning to look for me?" Rhydian caught on.

"Yeah! He was saying how nobody answered the door so he just came in. Do you think Jacob could've been in here before? Like the first time?" I shook my head, it couldn't have been him since he didn't know where I lived then.

"Or maybe this is somebody else and we're just blaming Jacob because he admitted to us that he was in here before." I questioned myself. 

"I don't know Mads but we need to be careful. It seems like to me, somebody is trying to hunt you down, and they started with your parents."

Rhydian was right. I need to be careful and be on the lookout from now on. I can't let anything happen to me or else, nobody will save my parents. 

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