Chapter 9

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Ugh, my head hurts like hell. What happened? 

"You're finally awake," I opened my eyes slowly, everything is still looking blurry. I tried to sit up but my eyesight just got worse. "Be careful, you need to lay down first. You passed out while I was talking to you,"

After a few minutes, my eyesight got better. I looked at the person the voice belonged to and it was the same guy. "You again. Why are you always...rescuing me, I guess?" He just smiled. "No reason. I'm just there at the right time and right place." He handed me a cup of water and a sandwich. I didn't accept either one but my stomach disagreed. He just laughed, "I think your stomach disagrees,"

I just took it, that was embarrassing. Oh yeah! "I just remembered, before I blacked out, you were telling me your name. What is it?" 

"My name is-" Before he could even say it, somebody barged into the room, "Maddy! Are you ok? Once I heard you were in the nurses office, I ran here as fast as I can. What happened? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Rhydian looked at me, not knowing the guy was sitting next to me. "She's fine. She passed out from hunger, is what the nurse said, and so I gave her a sandwich and water. Luckily I was with her to catch her fall,"

Rhydian just gave him a glare, "Thanks. You can go now, I got it from here." He just threw his arms up as if he's surrendering, "Okay, I get when I'm not wanted. I'll see you around Maddy." Before I could call him back, he was out the door. I just glared at Rhydian. 

"What did I do?" 

"Nothing. Why are you here anyways? Thought you didn't want to talk to me, didn't even accept my apology." I just crossed my arms and gave him the cold stare. "I'm sorry Mads, I know I was harsh not forgiving you. I know you didn't mean that, I was just hurt that's all."

"You were hurt!...ok I guess you were, but I was too! You left me and I was alone the whole weekend. My parents are still missing, I haven't had any proper meal, I freak out every night wondering where my parents are. I'm going through all this by myself because you left me. I was regretting what I said to you but after thinking about it, I realized I'm the one who's hurting the most. With everything," It felt good to let all that out! 

Rhydian was trying to figure out what to say, he was speechless. But before he could say anything, the nurse came in, "Madeline, you're awake. How are you feeling?" 

"I'm alright." She looked at the side table and saw the half-eaten sandwich and empty cup of water. "I see your friend gave you some food, that's good." 

"Yeah, can you tell me what happened to me exactly?" 

"Your friend said you passed out while he was talking to you. He guessed it was from hunger and he was right. Aren't you eating at home?" I had to think of a lie. I can't say my parents aren't feeding me since they're not even home. 

"Yeah I am. I was late this morning so I skipped breakfast and lunch." The nurse just shook her head disagreeing with me. "Well now you know, don't miss breakfast and lunch alright? Well you can go home now."

Home? "Wait, school has ended?" She just nodded her head. "You were out for the rest of your classes, so your friend said he'd give you all your homework later. I gave him your address if that's alright," I just nodded his head. I put my shoes on and headed out thanking the nurse. 

Rhydian was just following me. I didn't bother to talk to him, if he has something to say then he should say it. I got to my front door and it was silent all the way, Rhydian said nothing. Zero words came out of his mouth. "If you want to come in and talk then ok. If not, then you can go," I held the door open waiting for his choice. 

I wasn't going to wait for him all day so I closed the door, but he stuck his foot in between. Thought so, "Come in." Rhydian just sat on the couch. I got two cups of water and sat with him. 

"I know I left. I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. You needed me and I wasn't there, and when you needed me the most, I ignored you. It's just, I really was hurt. When you said I ruined your life, the thought of my real parents abandoning me flooded my mind. I must've ruined their life so much that they got rid of me. I mean, you can't blame for feeling that though," 

Wow, I didn't think of it like that. I feel bad now, "I'm sorry for saying that. I was just saying stuff I didn't mean. Forgive me?" 

"Forgive me?" We just looked at one another and give each other a hug. I'm glad we're friends now. "Now about your parents. They're still missing? No contact whatsoever?" I just shook my head. "Have you tried to track their scent?"

My head shot up. Why didn't I think of that! "You're right! Let's go right now, will you help me?" He stood up and we both ran towards the door to be introduced by the guy from my classes. "Oh! Hi, uh what's up?" 

"Nothing. I just came to give you your homework and class assignments." He was holding papers and two thick books. That's too much work. "Ok thanks, I'll take it." I grabbed it and just left it on the table and ran out the house pushing the guy towards the road. "I'm sorry but Rhydian and I have some things to do, so I'll talk to you tomorrow in class. Bye!" I grabbed hold of Rhydian's hand and ran towards the woods. 

If my parents are missing, they'd be missing in the woods. "Why are we going into the woods?"

"If they're missing, we should look first in the woods." 

Once we got far enough into the woods, we were out of breathe and thirsty. By the time we caught our breathes, I didn't realize we were still holding hands until I saw what he was looking at. I pulled out my hand but Rhydian just held it tighter. We smiled at each other and continued running around the woods trying to get the scent of my mam or dad. 

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